At Pizzeria

314 11 1

Gabby, Severide and Casey conversation
Gabby: Our appointment went well I'm three weeks along.
Casey: That's great and I am coming in a to the next appointment hands down.
Severide: How was your visit with your mom?
Casey: Great, but I have to ask you guys something has any of us told Shay?
Gabby:This may sound stupid but I want to tell Shay by myself .
Both guys nod their head in agreement with Gabby's statement.
The next day
The teacher
Ladies and gentlemen we are taking a trip to see a Hockey and baseball game. This is not mandatory but will be taking place on Friday and Saturday. It's only $60, so if interested come get a permission slip.

*at the Dawsons' house*

Gabby: Antonio?
Antonio: yeah sis?
Gabby: um I need to talk to you
Antonio: wazzup
Antonio: slow down I can't hear you

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