Chapter 2

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Wendy POV

"Mom!Dad!" I can heard Irene's scream. I quickly woke up and went to her room. Seulgi was hugging her, she looks so fragile, so broken. My heart ached seeing her like this. Joy and Yeri was standing at the door, tears were flowing down their beautiful cheeks.

"Wendy unnie.. When will Irene unnie be happy again?" Joy stared at me with her teary eyes. I whipped away the tears and sigh, " I don't know Joy, I don't know..." We continued to look at her until Seulgi came out from her room, she closed the door behind her and looked at us and sighed deeply.

"Girls, go back to sleep.." She walked to our room with her head hanging low. Yeri suddenly took my hand. "Unnie, don't worry, this will be over soon." She smiled through her tears and looked at me with those hopeful eyes. I patted her head gently and smiled weakly. I hope so....

Irene wasn't like this before. She was like everyone, she had a happy life with her family and us. Things changed after the accident she was not like her usual self anymore. She cut herself, she took pills, she did anything that will harmed herself.We promised to protect her because we love her. Thanks to Seulgi's rich parents, they bought us a house so we were able to live together and watch after Irene.

I remembered that day, at the hospital, how lifeless she looked, how broken she was. All we can do was hold her in our arms and cried. The moment the doctor shooked his head, the moment the nurse pushed her parents out of the operation room with white clothes covered. Irene lost control, she hugged her parents with her life. She cried and scream , we had to hold her back. She fall to the ground and watched her parents being pulled away from her. She tried to chase after them but I hugged her tightly from the back. That moment, I saw her suffering, I saw her weak side.We cried with her, we can't stand looking at her like this. She didn't ate and sleep, all she did was cry while holding the necklace. Sometimes, I caught her talking to the photo which was placed beside her bed.One night, she lost control again, she smashed all the things inside her room except the photo frame . All of us hug her to calm her down, we were by her side all of the time. That night she finally slept, she look like a kid who was tired from playing and fall asleep. After that, the few days she started to talk to us and she started to eat. She started to smile weakly when we tried to make her laugh. We were so happy even though we knew that the smile wasn't sincere at all, but we don't care because at least she tried right? We never knew that she already planned something in her mind...

During the funeral, we were waiting for her, she didn't come. We called her for so many times until we lost counts. She didn't answer our calls. That's when I knew something wasn't right, I quickly rushed to her house and looked for her. When I reached, she wasn't in her room. I saw some letters on her table and it was for us. Tears rolled down from my eyes, I searched her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found. Just when I checked the bathroom, my heart stopped. She was lying on the floor lifelessly..pills were scattering all over the floor.i quickly picked her up and rushed to the hospital. The girls came, we can't stop crying, we were hugging each other like our life depend on it. Just when we thought we will lost her, miracles happened. The doctor said luckily I wasn't late. I fall to the ground, I was shaking, I can't imagine my life without her.

Irene finally woke up. That day, all of us had a heart to heart talk. Irene promised us she will never do that again.that day, I told myself I will make her happy again. I will..

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