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"It's time" said the wolf with a sea-blue coat and sea green eyes.
"Time for what" nightstar asked looking at the 8 wolfs behind him.
"Time for introductions I'm Sunny" said the wolf with golden fur and yellow eyes who was smiling excitedly. Then a wolf with forest green eyes and a oak tree colored pelt stepped forward.
"I'm Pines" he said with a smile then a wolf with sandy colored fur and earth brown eyes came forth.
"I'm Quack" he said unamused then a wolf with sea-blue fur and sea-green eyes came up.
"I'm Current" he winks just as he finished a silver wolf with silver eyes came forth.
"I'm Constellation" he bows as a wolf with a lightning shaped scar on his brown fur behind him rolls his chestnut eyes then step up.
"I'm Lightning" he turns and walks past a wolf with gray fur and cloudy eyes who walked up to the pup.
"Hello I'm Anubis" then a wolf with a black pelt similar to nightstar's but this wolf had a moon on his forehead. He stands tall in front of nightstar.
"You may call me" then sunny interrupts
"Manny" the other wolfs start laughing as 'manny' growls at sunny.
"No it's New M" he said then he turned back to the pup "nightstar now you know our names you must swear not to tell another wolf our name understand?" Nightstar nodded in response as the new day was about to begin sunny left the cave. The others slept through half the the day when Nightstar woke up.

"Can I go hunt" he asked Pines. Pines gets up and stretches.

"Sure" with that the pup and the forest colored wolf left to go hunt. The pup had a good nose as he depicted the sent of another wolf, but the weird thing with this wolf was that he smelled of wolf blood and it wasn't his own he also smelled wolf corpses. Nightstar enticed by what he smelled trailed away from pines side. When he was close he hid in a bush down hill from the site, what he saw was a mass murder of wolf pups. He gasped as the purple wolf heard him and turned towards the little black-stared pup his muzzle and for-paws were covered in blood as his eyes had no pupils. He started to walk towards nightstar as the small pup backed up. 

"Don't worry little one I wont hurt you." he cooed as he got closer someone help me please as he kept advancing the little pup hit a tree the bloody wolf smiled a wide smirk. As he raised his paw to strike he was hit causing his paw to scratch the pup across the eye. When Nightstar looked up he saw another wolf a wolf with a gray pelt and blue eyes. The new wolf looked at Nightstar.

"Are you okay, did he harm you anywhere?" the wolf asked in concern, then proceeded to check the pup then he saw his eye and sees the colors his left eye was gold while his right eye is red with a scar over it. "Where are your parents pup?" Nightstar just looked down that's when the purple wolf came back and attacked the gray wolf. "Run, pup run" the gray wolf yelled as the two fought Nightstar ran as fast as his little paws could carry him. he rested by the river where he saw his reflection he moved some of his fur to cover his right eye. Then right above him he saw the purple wolf grinning his sharp white teeth grin. 

"Hello puppy" he then pounced on Nightstar trapping him like a rabbit. Nightstar struggled and yipped trying to escape, as he struggled the purple wolf laughed at his attempts. While he struggled the bigger wolf saw his different colored eyes and licked the wound causing Nightstar to stop struggling and look at the purple wolf. "You and me aren't that different we are both outcasts so I won't kill you if you don't say anything about me by the way the names V." He then releases the small pup and leaves finding more pups to kill. Later as Pines realizes that he lost the little pup he jumped into the trees to find him. when he finds him hes with Current.

"Wasn't he with you when you two left how do you loss him?" Current asked him angry with the forest pelted wolf.

"Um well we were together then-"

"I followed a scent I picked up which intrigued me sorry." Nightstar said then looked down in shame. Both wolves looked at each other then at the little pup smiling.

"We're not mad at you just next time tell someone you want to follow a scent." Current said licking the pups cheek.

"Yeah plus to smell a scent that I didn't pick up is extraordinary, good job." Pines said licking his other cheek. Then the three enter the cave and settle for the night.

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