Star pack

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Soon Nightstar woke up from his dreamless sleep and found himself surrounded by gray body's. He wiggled his way out of the circle without waking the wolves up. Soon he found his way out of the cave by following his nose. Once outside he took in the site of the sun shining through the top of the cavern brightening up the area as birds flew by. Then he caught a familiar scent. Pups he rushed down the side of the cavern to where he saw a group of pups at least 4 days older then him playing. He was puzzled by what they were doing till a pup pushed him out of his hiding spot.

"Hey look what I found." said a snow white pup with icy blue eyes. the other pups who were silver and/or gray looked at the new pup as he tried to get away but the snow pup had other plans so he held him in place.

"So where did you come from little one? Does your mommy know you're here?" Asked a silver pup with a gray spot over her left eye. This question startled Nightstar for he had no clue how to answer. The snow pup noticed this and answered for him.

"Obviously or else he wouldn't be here sheesh Salva don't ask weird questions." He said looking at the other pups who laughed at this and played it off as a joke.

"So small pup wanna play hunt?" Asked one of the other pups who looked ready to play. Nightstar being new to playing with others looked at them confused.

"You never played before have you?" Salva stated sadly as nightstar looked down and shook his head.

"Well the game is simple we split the group it to two groups, the hunters and the hunted. Now the hunters have to find and pin the hunted. The hunted have to not be found or pinned. Do you understand now?" Asked a all gray pup except for his paws which were silver. Nightstar nodded and the other pups cheered as the groups were made. Nightstar was on the hunted side along with Salva and Socks. Snow, Sam, and Samantha were the hunters. Nightstar and the others ran away. Nightstar hid in his best hiding spots. In the shadows where no one could see him. Then out of nowhere he's tackled from behind which scared the pup to when he was pinned down he was shivering.

"It's ok it was just a small hit." Said the voice above him. When he looked he saw Samantha over him. "I got one" she yells to everyone as the others came into view.

"Wow your really good at hiding it took us a good time to find you." Sam said patting Nightstar on the head with his paw. Nightstar smiled and got up ready to play again.

This time the teams were reversed at the others went to hide Nightstar covered his scenes so they could hide. When he was taped on the shoulder did he rise from the ground. He smiled at the two pups then set out after the first scent he caught Snow. He ran faster as he felt that Snow was on the move. Soon enough he had Snow in his sight he picked up speed and lept over Snows head landing in front of him as Snow crashed in to him they went tumbling down the hill into a camp as they continued to play.

Then a big silver wolf with a lot of gray strands of fur came out of a den with his red eyes blared on the two pups. The two pups continued to play as Snow pinned Nightstar down. As the big wolf came over Nightstar felt him coming and looked in his direction getting a chill down his spine.

"Snow why are you not in your study's and why are you playing with a strange colored pup?" Asked the big wolf as Snow got off of Nightstar and sat tall looking at the wolf. While Nightstar got up and looked at the ground ears flat and tail between his legs.

"Father Snaterel my study's were canceled due to the absent of my teacher, and this pup is from the pups protectors den. I can smell all three of them on him." He said strong and proud as he looked him straight in the eyes.

"Well then he should be returned to them and you will be the one to take him there and while your there you can learn a thing or two on protection of pups and what enemy's they have." He said as Snow nods his head looking at Nightstar. Who was still looking at he ground. Snow softened up before talking to the younger pup.

"Hey I know a short cut to their cave if you want to check it out." He smiled down at Nightstar who looked up at him with his eyes shining. Wow he's adorable. Wait did I just say that about another pup even more weird a male pup. He thought as he started to head towards the PP's den with Nightstar right on his heel.

When they reached the den and entered it Nightstar was then tackled by a gray body.

"Don't you dare scare us like that again we thought that the purple wolf got to you again I was about to go scower the cave system for you." Jay said rubbing his head in the pups body.

"I'm ok I just wanted to see around and I played hunt with a group of pup" Nightstar said trying to wiggle his way out of the big wolfs grip.

"That could explain why the head of the star packs son is here." Mike said pointing his paw at Snow. "Come in the sun has set and it's time for bed we will teach you tomorrow about what we do." Mike led the pups to the bedroom that Nightstar snuck out of.

"Ok but can I also learn how this pup came to be here and why one of his eyes are red." Snow said laying really close to Nightstar who was already fast asleep.

"Ok just don't think I'm making any of it up ok?" Mike asked as he and his brothers curled around the two pups. Snow nodded then rested his head on Nightstar's body as sleep took over the den.

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