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Nightstar woke up to New M. over him instead of Sunny. he got up to stretch as he smelled something familiar scent. he carefully moved around each of the spirit wolfs trying not to wake them up. once he was out he took of towards the scent as he neared the clearing he saw a flash of gray but he choose to ignore it. as he continued to the clearing he saw V the purple wolf, his red eye glowed a bit catching the attention of the purple wolf who in turn looked at the intruder and he smiled not his usual creepy smile no a sweet. kind smile.

"hello pup what brings you here?" he asks as he gets closer Nightstar closing the gap smiled up at the purple wolf. "what did you get lost again?"

"no i wanted to see you again so i followed your scent." he says lifting his head to show V his glowing red eye. "also my eye glows whenever i'm near you and blood" he says as his red eye sparkles V smiles, as he leans down to lick the pup a gray flash appears and grabs Nightstar. V stood shocked at first but then gave chase to the wolf who took his pup friend while the small pup cries for V. the gray wolf runs into a cave system to dark for the purple wolf to give chase as he looses site of the small pup he waits outside the cave. i will get you back small pup i promise to the moon spirit who helps me hunt under the cover of its night glow, i will get you back small pup. he then leaves to find another entrance or exit that the gray wolf might have took.

the gray wolf waited till the purple wolf left to release the pup. when he did Nightstar looks up at the gray wolf to see he had black eyes and a tuff of brown fur on his head he looked around before looking back at the small pup in his paw's.

"what are you craze that was dangerous he could have killed you." the gray wolf snapped at the pup making the small pup shrink in size.

"but he wasn't going to" Nightstar replied in a small voice.

"how do you know?" the gray wolf asked lowering his voice as he saw the pups reaction to him snapping.

"because he did this to me," Nightstar shows him his red eye which was shining in the dark along with his golden eye. wow i have to show him to the others. he then proceeded to pick up the pup against his protests.

he then proceeded to carry the pup to a secluded area within the cave there they entered a cavern filled with a secret forest growing below. he then continued to travel along the caverns edge till he reached a cave there he entered and placed the pup down.

"don't try to run now i'm just going to get my family ok?" he asked looking down on the small put to whom he nodded. he smiles and goes further into the cave. "Mike, Fitz, guys" then the gray wolf from before and another gray wolf with a streak of red along his fur with chocolate brown eyes both walked up to the gray wolf.

"what is it jay?" asked Fitz as he stood in front of Jay as Mike followed he smiles.

"well remember the pup that Mike was talking about that you didn't believe existed" he nods. "well i found him in the woods with V." he finishes smiling triumphant as the two look at him in shock. 

"did you help him at least?" asked Mike to which Jay responds,

"of course we're not called the pup protectors for nothing." he said angered by the fact that they would think he would leave him like that. "hes at the front of the den where i told him to stay." he said matter-of-factly as he started to head to the front with Mike and Fitz following behind. 

when they reached the entrance they saw the pup asleep as the moon reflected off his pelt making him shine in the night. wow hes just like a little star. mike picks up the small pup and carry's the pup to where they had made a bed of leaves and moss. they curl around the pup as he starts to shiver.

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