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I woke up to the sound of the alarm ranging, I slammed my hand down. As I tried to sit up a pair of strong arms weighed me down not to mention the great pain shooting up.

"Inuyasha," I whispered softly, his little Inu ear flicked.

"Inuyasha~," I quietly sang.

"Mhm?" He said as he nuzzled my somtach.

"You have to go to school," I whispers and rubbed his head.

He sat up and pulled me in his lap.

"I don't want to leave you here by yourself." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

After 15 minutes later telling Inuyasha to go to school, he agreed but I couldn't get up unless I need to go to the bathroom.

Inuyasha left soon after, I saw him walk past my door in a red V-neck short sleeves with a leather black jacket and jeans with tennis shoes on.

I looked over to my side and decided to at least look over the notes I was given.

There seemed to be 6 or 7 pages of detailed notes. I scanned through them first then decided to read them carefully and to logic and worm my brain around them.

In the end I finished 3 and a half pages before Izayoi walked up with a plate of waffles, a banana, apple, and orange juice.

"I was told to call the station once you were awoke and able to speak to the fine people men," Izayoi said as she placed my plate down. I quickly ate.

"I see," I bit my lip.

"Oh, Kagome," Izayoi wiped something wet of my cheek.

I hadn't reaziled I had been crying. I knew I was sad ,but crying, I guess it only makes sense.

"You must be hurting terribly, I-," Izayoi was cut off by a knock on the door.

As she grabbed the knob, I pulled my knees to my chest though it deeply hurt.

A woman in twin tail black jacket came in with a man with a leather brown jacket.

The woman had long red hair tied up in a high ponytail and she had dark purple eyes and fair skin. She wore under her jacket was a buttoned white shirt and dress pants with black heels.

The man had short spiky raven black hair, milky cream white skin, and dark chocolate brown eyes. He wore under his jacket a black dress buttoned shirt and jeans with brown dress shoes.

The lady showed me her badge, "My name is Lindy Usami, My partner here is Ariko Koun." She said with a light gentle but firm female voice as she pointed to the man.

"Hi, I bet you already know my name but it's Kagome Higurashi," I waved then coughed.

"Let's get down to the questions," They said as they both took out note pads.

"Do you know who this person was that attacked you?" Limdy asked.

I nodded, "My older step-sister, Kikyo Higurashi,"

"When was the last time you sar her?" Ariko asked me.

"The day she went to jail in person." I said.

"Have you and Mr.Takahashi had any recent fights?" Lindy asked.

"No," I said, firmly.

"What was your last fight about?" Ariko asked.

"He didn't tell me my sister espaced and I was sick at the time being," I said, looking towards the clock.

I guess I didn't notice but soon school will let out, Inuyasha...

"Has Mr.Takahashi seemed different from usual?" Lindy said.

I shoke my head no.

"Why would Ms.Higurashi attacked you?"

"Because she used to beat me and I went out with Inuyasha, she wants him."

"I see,"

The door opened showing Inuyasha.

"We won't have to track you down then," Ariko said firmly.

Ariko put special handcuffs on Inuyasha and read him his rights.

"Stop right there! I'm not pressing charges on him, on my sister not him!" I said yelling.

"Ariko," Lindy whispered and Ariko scoffed but took the handcuffs off.

"Very well, we will need you to work with a sketch artist soon in case your "Sister," changed her name." Ariko said coldly and I nodded.

After they left, Inuyasha slammed the door and gave me a packet of work and notes.

I set them in a drawer and looked at Inuyasha.

"I'll go get you a snack and something to drink," He said and turned the TV on for me.

I was left alone in the room with a dirty dishes on my drawer, the TV on, and the light on.

Why...Why do I feel so scared?

I started to tremble and let put little sobs as tears fell down my cheeks.


I yelped and jumped up to see Inuyasha backpack on the chair and him with a sandwich and chips.

"Uh, thanks," I said as I wipped my tears.

He sat the snacks down, got on the bed on his knees, and pulled me in a hug.

"I'm sorry this happened to you," He whispered and pulled something from my neck.

"But I don't think we should be together anymore." He said with my locket in one of his hands.

"W-What?" I said, tears going down my cheeks.

He run out and locked the door.

I tryed and tryed but it wouldn't budge.

(A\N: I'm trying to make it like that time after the fight with Sesshomaru, around episode 20, and called: "Go To Your Own Time, Kagome!")

I took a bath since i have one connected to my room and got in some pj's.

I laided in my bed, my body ached and hurt from moving so much not to mention that I had my heart broken.

I decided to try and call Sango.

"Kagome! How are you feeling? Stop calling me and rest dum-dum!"

I laughed.

"I have to...tell you something," Kagome let out a little sob.

"Kagome! Don't cry! What happened?!"

So Kagome explained what between her and Inuyasha but sobbing and crying at the same time.


"Sango, don't rea-!" I was cut off by Sango's yelling.


I wipped my tears and smiled softly, I closed my phone and put it on the charger.

I decided I would go to sleep and try not to get up tomorrow to allow my body to rest.

"Goodnight world," I said as I let my fall into the arms of dreamland.

Hi guys! I hoped you enjoyed! I was 3 votes and 2 comments besides 'Please Update,' or 'Please Update soon,'. See ya!


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