Moving Somewhere New (One Direction)

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Chapter 1

"I don't get why we have to move.." I said.

"I already told you. My boss transferred me." said my mom.

This was the longest we have ever stayed at one place and I was already settled in. I had my room put together perfectly and everything seemed to be going alright. Now we have to just pack everything up and move to California?

"You've always wanted to go to California anyways. It will be nice! You'll make plenty of friends and we'll live in a bigger house because this new job site pays way more than what I was already making!"

she did have a point.. why did she have to be right..?
I finished loading the last box onto the moving truck and hopped into the front seat. I put in my headphones and listened to my music until we arrived at the airport.

"Is there anything you want before we start getting on the plane?" said my mom.

"Yeah, can I have some money to go get a coffee or something?" she reached into her purse and handed me a 20 dollar bill.

"don't take too long! we board out flight in 30 minutes!"

I put in my headphones so I didn't have to listen to her. She gets on my nerves a lot and telling me that we were moving all the way to California wasn't helping any. We lived in a town in West Virginia, it wasn't small but it wasn't huge either. I guess I was kind of excited to finally get out of there. I had always talked about going on trips to California and how fun it would be. But when my dreams became reality I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was. One thing led to another and here I am, in line for coffee at the airports Starbucks.

"Could I get a double chocolate chip chiller with one pump of Cinnamon Dolce syrup, one pump of Toffee nut syrup and blend in the whip cream." It was a recipe I looked up for a S'mores chiller on the Internet and man was it good.

I was on my way back to board the plane when I saw a magazine with One Direction on the cover. I'm a bit of a fanatic so of course I had to buy it! It had articles on each of the boys. I immediately skipped to Zayns. I loved all the boys but he was my favorite. I was so consumed in the magazine that I almost forgot to pay!

"uh, are you gonna buy that miss?" said the vendor.

"OH! YES! Sorry!" I gave the guy my money and walked back to my mom.
I guess I got back just in time because my mom was pacing. I just put in my headphones, grabbed my things and went to board the plane. My mom was in a rush so she didn't ask any questions.

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