Moving Somewhere New (One Direction)

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Chapter 5

Ally's P.O.V.

I looked up and saw Zayn standing in the doorway. I was too excited, so I couldn't hold in my smile. I had the biggest, creepiest smile on my face ever. Oh my gosh. he was so freaking hot.

"So how's it going?" asked Zayn coming in and sitting next to me.

I thought to myself, was this happening? he's never really talked to me before. I mean we've talked, but not a lot.

"Alright. I was just ordering 3 large pizzas. I got 2 pepperoni and 1 cheese. I don't like pepperoni. haha" I laughed trying to lighten the mood. The air seemed tense.

"You're not living then! Pepperoni is the best!" said A playful Zayn.

"Wanna bet? I say cheese is the best!" I playfully responded.

"How about we wrestle and who ever wins is right!" Zayn said.

"YOU'RE ON!" I jumped up and tackled him to the ground. It caught him off guard, but he soon gained his strength and rolled over on top of me, pinning my arms to the ground.

"Not so strong now, are ya?!" yelled Zayn. I squirmed and eventually broke free, running into the living room. He trailed behind and soon caught up, grabbing my foot so I fell on my face. He then rolled me over and pinned me down.

We started laughing uncontrollably. Our laughter soon dyed down and we just sat there with me on top of him now because I ended up rolling him over. I just sat there with my hands resting on his chest. My hair in his and my face. He brushed my hair out of my face and behind my ear and I giggled.

"I think you're so beautiful." he whispered.

By now I was surprised the other boys downstairs hadn't heard all the commotion. We were making so much noise!

"Thank you." I whispered back.

Before I knew it he leaned up and kissed me. So many things were running through my head like what's going on, why did he do that? Does he like me? What will the other boys say and will this ruin our friendship?

In the meantime while all these things are running through my head, me and Zayn Malik were making out in the middle of my living room. I had to admit I did like it and I didn't want it to end.

Things were really starting to heat up when the doorbell rang. The pizza. I sighed, and slowly got up to answer the door.

"$24.73" said the delivery man.

"Keep the change." I said while handing him the money. He handed me the pizza and I took it to the kitchen. Zayn followed and grabbed my waist from behind. I guess the boys smelled the pizza because I heard their feet as they were running up the stairs. Zayn quickly let go of me and whispered in my ear "I win."

Chills went down my spine and I smiled at him across the island.

"Well well well, look what we have here." said Liam suspiciously.

"You were in the bathroom for a pretty long time Zayn." said Louis.

We all laughed and started to eat our pizza. The whole time me and Zayn kept glancing over at each other and smiling or winking.

"I'm full. I can't eat anymore!" I exclaimed. I guess the boys were done too because they threw their plates away and we all made our way down to the basement, but of course Niall made sure he got one more piece of pepperoni pizza before he went.

"Lets play the wii!!" an excited Liam said.

Liam, Niall, Louis, and Harry started playing Mario cart. Me and Zayn were sitting on opposite sides of the couch. I looked on my phone and it was 9:00. My phone lit up. It was a text message from Jessica.

It said: Hey girl! I miss you sooo much! I couldn't wait any longer so I booked myself a flight right after I got off the phone with you! I hope you don't mind! See you tomorrow around 2!

oxoxo- Jess

I was so surprised, but happy at the same time. That's when I remembered.. How will I tell her about the boys? She'll freak out! I have to tell them..

I got up and shut the game off. They had been playing for a few hours anyways.

"Heeeeeeeeyyyyy!" they all yelled.

"I was winning!!!" said Louis.

"Guys! This is important! My friend from back in my home town is coming to visit tomorrow and she doesn't know that you guys are my neighbors! She is a huge fan, and I don't want you guys to freak out when she meets you." I exclaimed in a serious tone.

"A fan ehh?" said Zayn.

"Yes, a huge fan! Niall is her favorite. Don't be alarmed when she freaks out and screams and all of that other stuff." I explained to Niall.

"Awesome! I already can't wait to meet her." an excited Niall said.

"I am going to pick her up at 2 and we should be back around 3." I said.

"What time is it?" asked Harry.

"9 something, why?" I asked.

"Shit! we were supposed to be back an hour ago! We gotta get home." he said.

They got up and we made our way up the stairs. I showed them out with a hug, but Harry added a kiss. I could tell Zayn tensed up. He made sure he was last to leave and just stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said.

He leaned in, kissed me, and left. I went upstairs to my bedroom reminiscing on the events that took place earlier. Harry kissed me? Whatever. It probably doesn't mean anything...

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