Chapter 8: Bring It On

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"Is she on the mend?" Lily asked. Cassie shrugged. Her mother, Sonya, had a ruptured spleen and a collapsed lung. Lily grabbed Cassie's hand.
"It'll be okay, she'll get better, she's General Blade, she has to!" Lily said, watching Cassie force out a smile.
"That's the problem, she's the General, she likes being in control, but now she isn't, and it is killing her," Cassie replied. Cassie shuffled towards Lily on her Mothers hospital bed and gave her a huge hug. "Thank you for being here for me, thank you so so much," Cassie said, her voice starting to croak.
"I'll always be here," Lily replied, she knew she wasnt lying. The two heard a knock on the door.
"I'm sorry to interupt, but they need you guys," Takeda said, desparately.
The three raced out of the medic building and back to see Johnny.
"Sorry to bother you all, but we need you to go to Outworld and see Kotal Kahn," Johnny said. The five looked shocked.
"I can't do that, my Aunt and cousin are in a war against them," Lily said.
"Tough luck, kiddo," Johnny said. "We need to make sure he's still on our side,"
Lily had to board the ship quickly. Cassie was on one side of her, Takeda on the other. Lily put her hands on the arm rests, trying to relax. She hated planes. She hated heights too. She closed her eyes trying to forget the fact she was on a plane. She felt someone clasp their hand on hers. She dare not open her eyes, in fear that she would throw up. The hand was soft, but quite big. Couldn't be Cassie's because she was on Lily's other side. She ignored it and realised she held the hand of the other person. It was helping her relax, so whoever it was, they were doing her a favour. As the plane began to take off, Lily's black hair began to swirl around. Through the whole ride, she didn't open her eyes. By the end of the ride she opened them. The hand she was holding released.
"Sorry, I have a fear of planes!" Takeda said, blushing.
Lily smiled and stood up.
"We've got to be subtle, no straight to the point, just be nice and sweet," Lily said.
"No guy, likes being sweet," Jin said. Lily gave him a sarcastic side eye. Funny, she thought. As the five left the ship, they greeted the sandy sky of Outworld. It was funny that Lily could have been the Princess of here, if her Mother had accepted the throne. Yet she didn't, to this day, Lily still had no idea why. Unfortunately that was the reason Lily's Aunt was in a rivalry with the Emporer, Kotal Kahn.
"What does this one see?" A mechanical, buzzing voice asked. Lily made sure her hand found her way towards her fans.
"Probably guys looking for trouble," A young, southern voice replied. Lily recognised the voice.
"Eliana?" Takeda asked "Special forces business," Out of the shadows came a young girl, about Lily's age. She was holding a gun, pointing at straight at the team. Lily looked around and she heard a thud. In front of her a Cytin landed.
"This one is D'Vorah," she said.

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