Chapter 9: Outworld

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"Sorry, the security is tight, since Mileena attacked last week," Eliana said, putting her gun in her belt. Lily smiled. She didn't dare speak, she still didn't trust them.
"State your business," D'Vorah said, getting awfully close to the team.
"We need to talk to Kotal Kahn," Jin said, sternly and with no remorse.
"This way," Eliana said. She beckoned them. They carried on following Eliana towards a bustling town centre. Lily quickly spotted a bright yellow sash. She recognised it, Tanya's. Lily couldn't leave it there. She stashed it in her pocket, knowing she would return it to Tanya soon. Tanya had always been lovely with Lily, taking her and Melody out for walks very often. However, Tanya became a rebel, because she believed Mileena should be Empress. "What's in your pocket?" Takeda whispered.
"Tanya's sash, I fear she isn't still alive," Lily said, beginning to tear up. Tanya was a bit like the Dad she never really had. Seeing her Father had brought up so many memories, as had seeing Tanya's sash. The team walked into the main square of Outworld. On a wooden stage a man held up a sign. It read: Edenian traitor. Lily feared the worst. She ran to the front of the crowd. "TANYA!" Lily shouted. Tanya stared at Lily, her head on a block of wood. She mouthed 'Everything is under control' Lily felt someone pull her back. A petite woman dressed in black was pulling Lily to the back of the crowd. "Don't mess this up," the woman said. She lowered her hood. Lily saw that it was Melody. "I believe that is my Mothers," Melody she said, grabbing the sash.
"Melody!" Lily said. Melody raised her finger to Lily's lips. "Shhh, I'm also wanted," Lily suddenly gave Melody a huge hug. They smiled at each other. Straight after the two watched someone raise an axe by Tanya. "Oi!" A woman shouted. Lily looked over to the woman. All of a sudden the woman unrobed, to reveal Mileena, dressed head to toe in her signature purple. "Let us dance," Mileena declared. Melody took off her black robes. Across the square Lily saw Luna, her cousin also disrobing. Then Rain behind her. Shortly after, Tanya stood up. "I would have thought you should be more prepared," Tanya said, laughing. Tanya swiftly stabbed the executer in the eye with her heel and flipped them around. Around Lily all Mileena's supporters began to attack Kotal's forces. Lily ran over to her SF team.
"Personally I believe Mileena should be Empress," Cassie said, Jacqui, Takeda and Lily nodding. Jin looked puzzled. "Look at them all, fighting for a throne, that quite frankly none of them deserve," Jin said, shaking his head.
"Your Dad won't mind will he, if we fight with the rebels?" Jacqui asked. Cassie laughed.
"He wants us to be passionate, so this qualifies!" Cassie said, laughing and producing her gun.

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