You're Beautiful

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Katherine POV

I groaned waking up. Quite creepy to see 6 eyes on you watching you sleep. "Is there something on my face?" I grinned. They all just chuckled. "You scared us!" "What happened?" Jay frowned. "I felt light headed and now I'm here"

"Before you ask the babies are okay" Jon smiled rubbing the bump. I let out a breath like I was holding it in and placed my hand on top of his. I started feeling more insecure. My baby bump is becoming huge!!! Literally I look 6 months pregnant but I'm only 3 months now...

"You're still beautiful to me" Jon said like he was reading my thoughts. His phone was buzzing but he wasn't phased he sat there staring at me smiling. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Go and answer that" "No, I'll rather-" "It's okay babe. Answer. I honestly don't mind." "You sure?" "Positive" "Won't be long" he stood up and kissed my forehead walking out.

I whimpered. My stomach is expanding so much that I feel like I'm pregnant with 10! I know I'm overeacting but it does! "Shit did it grow like ten times bigger over night" Harry gasped earning a smack on the back of the head by Jay.

"I'm sorry but her last pregnancy she wasn't that big" Jay smacked him again. "Ok, I'm gonna shut up now" I slowly sat up using as much strength I have my hands instantly resting on my bump like it was an instinct and protection.

"Harry can you get me some snacks? I'm hungry" "Will do baby sis" he left the room. Jay sat beside me. "How are you feeling?" "Like a beach whale" "Besides that" "I had a nightmare... and it's scaring me..." "What was it about?" "Darkness. Whispering. Glowing eyes. Someone randomly appeared and..."

I flinched a little. He placed his hand soothingly on the bump rubbing it. "Hey you two? Be nice for Mummy, you'll get to meet your favourite hot sexy Uncle in 6 months. I playfully rolled my eyes. "You and Harry are so vein it's unreal."

Jon walked back in. He looked pissed. "I have to leave tomorrow. I got busted and Seth covered which they let me off with a warning." He looked at me with his cute sad eyes. I raised my arms up as he walked over.

We hugged. He hugged a little too much as my ass wasn't touching the bed and my bump was pressing down on his stomach. "Gosh I can't leave you" he mumbled. I closed my eyes squeezing tighter. "You have to." I finally uttered out.

He looked at me. "Promise me to text every little detail of the scan, kicks, anything! I don't wanna miss the experience.." "I will, I'll even send pics of my bump growing" I smiled as my eyes watered up. He kissed me as the tears fell. "Don't cry baby, don't cry" he was wiping the tears away.

Jay awkwardly cleared his throat. "You guys done? We're not in a romantic movie here. No one dying." I just shook my head at him. Yeah ruin the moment doofus. "Baby rub my back for me please" He slipped his hand through the crack of the hospital gown as his hand made skin contact with my back he slowly rubbed up and down. I relaxed a little.

Harry walked in eating a snack bar. "Where's my food?" I asked him. He looked at the bar then at me with his mouth full. He swallowed with a loud gulp. "Uh I ate it for you..." If looks could kill. He'll be dead. "I am mentally shooting lasers at you" "Good to know you love me that much baby sis"


I was finally aloud to leave later on that night. And throughout the whole thing. I complained. No clothes fit me which is starting to make me cry. "Oh my god I'm so big" I burst into tears. "Hey shh no you are gorgeous baby, I love you" Jon whispered rubbing my huge bump.

I sniffled. "Really?" He smiled staring into my eyes. "Yes" I smiled pecking his lips over and over. He pulled away chuckling making me bite my lips smiling.

"Your hormones are everywhere." He chuckled. I was glaring at him. "Now, Now. Don't have to give me that look" I put my middle finger up and stuck my tongue out.

He pushed my hand down and his tongue connected to mine pushing it back in my mouth as he kissed me making me moan into it. He was hovering over me as his hands layed rest on my ass. He kissed across going down my neck sucking on the sweet spot. Another moan escaped making me gasp as my head fell back on the pillow.

He was gonna lift my top up but I stopped him. He looked at me and frowned. "What's wrong?" "I don't want you to see" I quietly said. "Katherine, Love. You are beautiful. I honestly love you for you. I don't care about size. You can be a size 22 and I wouldn't care. I love every inch of you. But what's contagious is your smile, your laugh and your beautiful brown orbs."

Tears were forming. Concerned washed over his face. I pulled him down smashing my lips against his. Gosh I fucking love him and... I wanna fuck him.


My eyes fluttered open. Jon was beside me all dressed. He gave me a sad smile. "I have to go now babe" I nodded holding back my tears. "I'll be back to see you again. Promise. It'll go by quick" he kissed my forehead, "I love you" he smiled. "I love you too." He kissed me. "Before I leave I'll help you change. You ain't sleeping all day naked" he smirked as I playfully rolled my eyes sitting up.
Took time but I finally got out of bed! He stood there staring at my body with a smile. He must of felt how uncomfortable I was. He walked up to me and turned me around to face the mirror.

"I can read you like a book Katherine. This is natural. You should embrace the beauty of it. I see a smart, beautiful Women who's gonna be an amazing Mother" I was still staring at the bump. "Katherine I love you for you remember that. You can wear tank tops and joggers to our wedding. I don't care I'll still think your are beautiful but please... Stop being so damn negative on yourself. We all have our insecurities."

I nodded looking at him as he passed me my clothes. He kissed me wrapping his arms around my bare back. "I'll see you in 6 months." He let go of me and picked up his bag. He took one last look and walked out closing the door. I let it out breaking down into sobs.

I need him..

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