Baby Boy

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I put the song Baby Boy up so you can listen to it. Just swipe the photo XD

Dean POV

"Hey Jonny boy guess what?" Sami arm flung around my shoulders. "What?" "New Diva joined, better check her out" he smirked and patted my back.

I shrugged and walked around in just my jeans with a cigarette hanging out of my mouh. My lighter stopped working. I growled in frustration until I saw another flame. I stuck my cigarette in lightening it up letting out a puff.

I looked down to meet a pair of brown orbs of a stranger. "You must be the newbie" "I'm Katherine" "Jon" I got curious and asked her a question. "What brings you out here?" "Same reason you did only I saw you struggling" she smirked. I just grinned at her.

I don't know why but just looking at her I knew she was gonna be something to me. It's like my heart and mind is telling me to keep her around you.

I took a last puff and dropped it stomping on it. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "You know Katherine I believe this a new start of a beautiful friendship" as we walked away. "Oh is it now?" She smirked as we walked down the streets.

The image of us walking down the streets together blured as my Daughter said something.

"Smooth Dad" "I was young and stupid. Hey still got her didn't I?" she just smiled at me. But then it dropped. "I miss her Dad.." "I miss her too love" tears fell and she gasped at that. I realised what I said too. I use to call her that... she hugged me tightly.

I looked up to see my two grown up sons watching. They gave me a small smile. "Did you love Grandma?" I looked at my beautiful Granddaughters.

I looked at Catherine who asked me. "With all my heart sweetheart" "Are we ever gonna meet her?" Her twin sister Emily asked.

"You will some day.. think of it as Hide and Seek. You won't see them but one day they will pop out and you will win the game on finding them."

Cecilia eyes were watering. I used her English story as an example. It even made the god damn Teacher and Students cry. It was called 'Daddy Baby Girl' about teaching a little girl. When her Father passed away her Mum says he's playing hide and seek with Grandma and one day you will find them.

"Mummy why are you crying?" Catherine asked looking at Cecilia. "Mummy don't be sad"

Blake walked over with Matthew hugging her. "Go be with Mummy Grandpa needs to rest." I smiled weakly. "Love you Grandpa" "Love you loads" they both kissed my cheek and jumped down off my hospital bed.

Matthew came over and hugged me. "I love you Dad" "I love you too son" Blake motioned Matthew to take the kids out.

"Catherine, Emily how about we go see Auntie Hayley and Cousin Ryan?" "Okay" they ran out as he followed. He looked at me one last time and walked away when a tear escaped.

Cecilia was sobbing into Blake chest. I even saw Blake eyes water too. My strong hard hearted son. It broke me that I'll be leaving them behind.

"Cecilia?" she looked at me. I opened my arms as she crawled on to the bed crying into my chest. Blake sat on the chair. I was rubbing her back and kissed the top of her head tears falling down. "I love you sweetheart always remember that"

Her sobs died down a couple of hours later as she was fast asleep. I looked at Blake, he was asleep in the chair peacefully.

"I love you both.. it's time.."

I stared at the ceiling and smiled. A flash of light happened and saw my beautiful Katherine standing there. Her hair was braided with white flowers going them, she was like an Angel in her dress. I look down and saw I was wearing white.

She held her hand out. I took it and pulled her into a kiss. "I've missed you" she smiled. Her voice melted my heart. Its been so long since I last heard it "I'm just glad I'm here with you.." "I'm so proud of you Jon. I'm proud of my kids and my granddaughters and grandson.." "You have been watching down on us" "I couldn't miss it" I picked her up and spun her around making her giggle. She escaped my hold.

"Why didn't you find someone else Jon?" She then frowned. "Because my heart belonged to you only" "I didn't want you to be lonely I mean come on 20 years without any love" "I did have love. I watched my kids grow up have kids get married." "Cecilia was so beautiful. I saw the way you looked at her like you didn't want to let her go" "I didn't... she reminded me so much of you Katherine" "Cecilia was your little girl the minute she was born who did she look at first?" "Me.." "And I was holding her as well!" She giggled making me smile.

We looked at each other smiling. "Hey Sis guess who I found!" I turned around. "Harry?" "You're dead?" "First thing you say to me" he smirked at that. "What did you find Harry?" "I found Buster our old dog" "Really?" "Yeah he's with Grandma at the moment." "I'll see him in a bit let me talk to Jon" "Okay. I'm gonna go see what my Daughter doing. I have a Grandson on the way" he grinned.

Katherine chuckled. "I guess you wasn't alone up here either?" "No! But believe me he has been a pain" "Even when he's dead he's still annoying?" "Oh yes he is"

I couldn't help but lift her up and spin her around. "Gosh I missed you so damn much" "I missed you too" we shared a kiss. She escaped my hold and ran off giggling.

I chuckled chasing after her as we ran off together.

Blake POV

I woke up gasping. Dad and Cecilia was still asleep. I held on to my Dad hand which was freezing cold. And that's when I heard it.. the noise on the monitor as it went flat line. The beep echoing my ears waking Cecilia up. She slowly lifted her head up and looked at Dad.

He was pale.. "Daddy.." she whimpered. I couldn't hold it I let the tears fall. She sobbed into his chest. Doctors rushed in ripping Cecilia from her hold on him pushing us out.

"He's gone isn't he?" She mumbled.

I nodded and pulled her into a hug. Uncle Jay barged in. He was looking around and saw us.

I shook my head no. His eyes saddened. "I'm so sorry.." he pulled us both into a hug. Since the death of his brother and sister. Him and Dad grew closer and bonded even when Uncle Jay went off to war they were still connected.

"He was a good man" Cecilia was still clinging to him crying. The Doctor walked out. "I'm terribly sorry, we tried everything" just as the door completely closed I saw the nurse pull the blanket over him.

Dylan walked through. "Cecilia!" She looked at him and ran over as he pulled her into a hug. He held her like his life depended on it.

"How did you cope?" I asked my Uncle. His face saddened. "I didn't.. I lost it. I locked myself away. But promise me Blake. You and Matthew have each other. And right now Cecilia needs you the both of you. I know she has Dylan but she needs her brothers too."

"I will always be there for her no matter what!" I vowed. I looked at my baby sister. No matter what. Our Father was always the man in her life.

After Mum died. He was there for us. Not once did I see him break in front of us until one night. I heard him crying and peeked through and saw Cecilia comforting him. Matthew was by me. We walked in and hugged our father.

We were there for each other.

Think Positive. He's with Mum now. I bet they're happy with each other up there looking down.

I smiled looking up and kissed my hand raising it up. 'I love you Mum and Dad' I mouthed to the sky.


Love is when you're in love with that person who can make you happy inside but can make you feel pain without the person knowing. It's when you care about someone so much that they're your whole world. Fat, Thin, Ugly or Pretty it doesn't matter because you fell in love for who they are not what they look like. They steal your heart and you don't want them to give it back. They're your soulmate. They make you feel... Alive. - Katherine

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