Chapter Eight

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***Warning this chapter contains mature content and I apologize if it makes you uncomfortable.***

David and Snow stood in their window gazing at the garden below, when Snow's eyes gazed upon the tree her heart stopped dead in her chest. Since their daughters birth the tree had remained bare, and now their almost seventeen year old child sat beneath it and white flower blossom on it's branches. David at his wife's tension begins to rub her back soothingly, "What is it?".
    "The tree.", Snow answered not moving her eyes from it. Emma moved to stand on the brick wall reaching with cat like ease to pick one of the flowers then returning to her position from before.
    David upon this sight became rigid. "What does this mean?".
        "It's her tree David, it means a lot of things. One of them being she'd been here, in the castle walls. It also means something we already know, that she has touched our daughter."
    He moved his wife so that he could look at her, his hands meeting her elbows. There was fear in her eyes, "Do not worry of Regina. We've defeated her before, we can defeat her again."
        "It's not her I'm frighten of."    
    David stepped back, surprised. "Emma. Your scared of Emma?"
    "David don't look at me like that. You know as well as I do of the capabilities she is suppose to have." Her tone was mild now, a touch of annoyance.
    He looked ready to argue, but as his wife held his gaze he relented. Taking her small body into his arms.

    Emma found it odd as she held the flower in her hands, cusped between her hands resting in her palms the petals curling and wilting under her gaze. At first it had made her jump, but then her curiosity over came her and she continued it until it turned to dust. In all probability her eyes were probably gold right now, not from anger or fear but from enjoyment. Enjoying the adrenaline like rush she was receiving from the use of magic.
    "Swan?", Killian beckoned timidly. She could see in his expression the he was hurt. Though she hadn't refused, she also hadn't accepted. His voice brought her back to reality, fear crept within her at what she'd done and the joy she'd gotten from it. Causing her to drop what remained of the flower.
    With that her decision was made. "I'll go.".
    Killian's concern fell away and was replaced with complete and utter joy. "Really?", he asked doubtfully.
    Emma nodded with a forced smile, one she hoped he didn't notice. "Yeah." She said with false enthusiasm. He was blinded by his love for her as he gathered her into his arms. Lifting her off the ground, her body pressed against his tightly nearly leaving her breathless. "Just...", At this he hesitated placing her slowly back on the ground, "Can I have until tonight? I need some time, a silent goodbye to my parents.".
    He seemed to consider it for a moment, a slow smile formed on his lips. "Yes. I probably need time to get the Jolly Roger in order. Would tonight a the moon's peak work for you love? Meet at the place we met.".
    She simply nodded. Agreeing with the biting of her tung, worried at any moment he see past her facade and try to convince her to do other than she was planning. Emma hated the fact she was lying to him, hated the feeling that she was betraying him. But she had to. Had to lie.

    Emma had to her bag packed and strapped to her back. It pulled heavily on her back as she padded around her room the only illumination provided by the moon poured in from her balcony. The room almost seemed grey in the dim lighting, the bright whites and pinks now mixed into the solid color.
    Emma as she exited her room said a silent goodbye and padded down the hallway barefoot in effort to move soundlessly. Tonight she managed to snag a pair of black jean pants and a matching black shirt, her boots were the same. Her hair was tucked into a high pony tail startling bright in the darkness. Her mind wondered to her goodbye with her parents, as odd as it was.
    Dinner was quite as usual, no one really able to bring up a conversation that didn't bring up the oncoming doom. Her parents demeanor, especially her mother's, had changed to something almost fearful. Every time she would catch Snow out of the corner of her eye her gaze was watchful trying to see if her child was different. Finally Emma had, had enough deciding what the best course of action would be. Standing with the wave of a hand she took their memories of her existence, they had no clue what was happening until she was done and their was a complete stranger standing in front of them. She'd gotten the idea from Harry Potter when Hermione took her parents memories away. "Who are you?", her father had started skeptically getting up from his seat. His hand protectively out in front of Snow.
    She'd shaken her head, saying that 'she was just mere maid' and was off running into her room. Emma had tried desperately to keep herself together but the second she'd gotten to her room alone tears came streaming. Now she had to brace herself to do the same to Killian. She can't hurt someone who doesn't remember her.
    Emma stood in the garden beneath the tree once more, assured this would be her last sight of the castle she'd spent nearly a year in. "Princess Swan?", she turned to face the familiar brown haired boy who she had once called a friend.
    Him being there though confused her. "Tom?".
    "Your going to Captain Hook aren't you?", there was sadness in his voice, a brokenness that hadn't been there before. Emma edged closer to him, his eye color was now purple. Magic.
    She hesitated before she responded. "Regina, you don't need to do this. Leave him out of it." His eye color snapped back and returned to it's warm maple brown color. Something still felt off...
    "Emma. You look amazing.", He commented.
    She wasn't dressed in anything spectacular. Emma shrugged in response but her eyes remained trained on him studying his movements, which were more fluid than normal. "What are you doing here?".
    Tom began to edge closer to her, his hand swept over her arm delicately until his hand met hers. She took a step back, "I'm here for you. I still care for you Princess.".
        "Tom we've been through this. I'm not interested.".
    A wicked smile formed on his lips and the boy she'd though she knew was gone and was replaced with this demon standing in front of her. "I didn't say you had a say in the matter Emma." She would've staggered, but she felt frozen in place. Not from any spell but out of fear. He never had used her name before. Then he moved, "I made a deal with a very powerful sorcerer so that I could touch you." Within moments his voice became distant, and her body moved without her control. "The second I touched you, it began to work." Suddenly she was on the ground and was on top of her. Emma couldn't do anything but watch as he quickly undid his own pants, she felt like a spectator watching it happen. "Do you know how long I've wanted you? But I wasn't good enough, but somehow a rotten pirate was. Well that won't be a problem now. I'll be your first and your last." Then she felt him pawing at her pants ripping the fabric away.
    Within second she felt him in her, and she couldn't speak but tears fell out of her eyes and she laid defenseless on the ground. It seem to last an eternity but in reality it only lasted moments, then he was putting his clothes back on and she was still laying there. "Now, Emma." He bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. He almost looked sad. "So that no one else can have you." She could see the gleam of metal before she saw it coming down towards her and then within a blink she wasn't there. The blade was now in her hands and it was through him. The sight was horrific as blood began to pour out of his mouth and he looked in surprise where the blade pierced him. Then he fell forward on top of her. Somehow she'd managed to at the last moment use her magic and was now free of the magic placed on her. The tears had dried and she now pushed his body off of her. She dressed herself, and stared impassively at his body on the ground. Emma was tempted to rip the blade from his torso and run it through him until he was in pieces but she didn't have time. She knew now that there was no going back to Killian, no changing her mind. She'd felt powerless and he wished to rid her of all her power and she couldn't go through it again.

Author's Note: I was very close to cutting the last scene in fear of it making people uncomfortable and I apologize if it did.

Where The Sun Meets The Moon #Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora