Chapter Thirteen

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Final chapter guys!!! I can't explain how much I've enjoyed writing this fanfic!! Please let me know what you think!

They had made a stop at the armory and gathered weapons, Killian had his sword and he had insisted Emma had grab her own. She'd made a small complaint about missing the weapons from her world, the fill of a gun in her hand was quite different from that of the hilt of a sword.

Killian couldn't help but like the sight of Emma like this, before they entered the west end, he stared at her in what was probably riding clothes, but scarlet, the color of blood and a silver sword held in her grip. She looked like an avenging angel somehow, no not an angel but a savior. As the door opened and they entered, it was completely quite. Distantly there was the sound of water dripping, as if from a leaking facet. Then there was the sound of movement, and low steady growl. He at that, withdrew his own sword.

Emma moved forward, and from what he saw she showed no sign of fear, rather in the face of almost certain death she looked utterly calm. While he could feel the rapid beat of his heart in his chest, he could her the rushing of his blood in his ears. Killian was surprised to see his grip on the sword was steady as he followed behind his Swan. "Where is the blue room?", He asked just loud enough for Emma ahead of him to hear.

"It's the room furthest back." She responded cooly, not turning around. They crept slowly, carful to make their footsteps soundless against the cracked concrete ground.

He felt goosebumps form along his bare arms, like the temperature had suddenly dropped. His breath began to show white against the cold air. "You would expect a dragons den to be... hot.", Killian commented narrowly avoiding a piece of glass.

Emma looked at him momentarily narrowing her eyes in question and then returned to keeping her eyes ahead. "We're almost there...", She let her voice trail off a note of confusion in it.

Killian knew what she meant, he shared her confusion, he felt as though they should've run paths with the dragon already. This far in and all they had heard was that growl, something... was off. They now stood in a dark grey room, surrounded by what looked to be endless darkness on every side. Decaying concrete lay beneath their feet, and what he could see of the walls was cobwebs covering what could be gold or silver, wall paper curled and ripped and in some places was marked with burns. "I feel like your talking about me...", Chimed a singsong voice that echoed around the area making it impossible to figure out what direction it had come from.

Emma and he whirled on their heel, he'd admittedly jumped as an immediate reaction. "The lost princess is her to retrieve her own lost prince.". The voice continued.

"Coward come and show your face!", Killian shouted.

That sparked laughter from the voice, amusement in the woman's voice as she spoke next, "Brave, brave Captain Hook. I do believe the beauty though is braver than you.".

Emma turned to look at Killian, though she couldn't see it, she could feel a nervous energy surrounding him. "Come OUT!" He commanded once more, this time there was a great anger in his voice.

Something in the air was giving her chills, there was more than meets the eye going on, and she watched as his demeanor continued to change. "Killian...".

Then a silhouette appeared in the midsts of the darkness. A woman in a shimmering dress, with dark ebony hair that poured down in great length to her sides. Her eyes were green, and glowing but cat like. The pupils were slits in a sea of what looked like liquid toxic waste. She realized immediately the ability the woman had, when Killian eyes met the woman's he calmed and his pupils became dilated. As soon as that happened, without command, to her knowledge he began to attack her.

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