Chapter Twelve

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Hey all!! Sorry it has been a bit since I've posted! Please let me know what you think in the comments!!
They laid in bed both exhausted pleasurably, Emma laid her head now dried on his chest eyes fluttering the threat of sleep near. She could feel Killian combing through her long blonde locks detangling her knots. She could hear the slow steady hum of his heart in his chest, "Are you asleep?" his voice asked.

She moved so she could look at him, his eyes half lidded themselves. But his blue eyes only saw her, and a small smile was on his lips. They were covered in the messy white, blue, grey sheets of her bed. Which was a nice change from the bright pinks that had once adorn her room. "No." She answered softly.

"I missed you Swan." It warmed her to hear him call her that after all this time rather than princess. "Without my memories it still felt like there was this... hole in me."

"I'm sorry. I wish with every fiber of my being that I had, had faith in the plan you had. Maybe then things we be different now." Emma's tone became sad and she looked away from him now.

He pulled her to look at him, "What do you mean?".


"Emma," He said cutting her off, "There's nothing you can't tell me."

She pulled his hand in hers intwining their fingers. "I know. A lot's happened though."

"You went to Regina I assume?"

Emma nodded, "I'm not sure that was the best decision. We were hunted.".


"Well we do have powers... They didn't really care about me as much as Regina. She'd hurt a lot of people and they wanted vengeance I just happened to be there.", There was a sadness in her voice one that broke Killian. She shook her head, "Theres so much to tell you and I don't even know where to begin."

"How about with earlier today, when I found you outside the tavern. You looked extremely distraught?" He said stroking a strand of her hair back.

This her eyes became glassy and distant, something in the past never really happened between them. "Do you remember what happen the night I took your memories with Tom?"

He nodded his expression becoming angry at the thought of the biggot who'd forced himself upon Emma. "That I do."

"I had his child."

Killian widened his eyes. "What? Where's the kid?"

"It was a boy... Henry. Named after Regina's father because I couldn't think of a name." Her voice was becoming more distant by the moment.

"What happened?"

Emma shook her head and began bitting her lips as tears filled her eyes. When she was sixteen she would've run away avoided the question but she'd learned it was better to face things head on. "He was murdered.", she choked out.

"Swan I'm so sorry." He said moving his hand from their interlocked position to her shoulder.

Now tears dripped down her cheeks, "He was the thing that made life bearable. His little brown eyes, his laughter, even-even his cries the innocence he had.". Then almost instantly her sadness turned into rage. "That's why I'm here." Now deadpan her eyes focused on something behind Killian.

Something about her change in demeanor sent chills up his spine. "What do you mean?"

Her eyes were transition to a bright gold as she met his gaze and a chilling smile formed on her lips. "The people of this kingdom, including my parents are to blame for this. For Henry's death and they need to pay." Her voice tight and rigid, "I needed to get back my place of power in order to do what I want."

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