Chapter Four

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"Emma? Are you okay?", Mary's voice asked from her side, she could feel her pulling at her trying to make sure she was up. There was genuine concern in her voice and yet there always was, but it only made Emma hurt more. Continuing to make her question why she wasn't happy here.
    Emma turned over to face Mary's worried eyes, "Yes." She forced herself to say, "I'm fine." Another lie, after a countless sea of them since that day last week.
    "You've barley left your bed since you snuck out, you know your father is over it, we both just want to see you happy Emma." She said softly, tucking a stand of blonde hair behind Emma's ear. "Are you sure nothing happened other than your fall that night?" She questioned knowingly.
    "Yes something did happen that night, but I can't tell you about it. I can't tell anyone about it.", Emma thought, "No, nothing else happened.".
        "Okay... Well if you ever want someone to talk to-"   
    "I know, your here. You and David both are." Emma said cutting her off, Mary suddenly looked like someone had punched her and she slowly crept out of Emma's room.
    Emma buried her face into her pillow and screamed angrily. There was no way for her to know if he was still in the kingdom, he probably was long gone by now. For all she knew, this whole, "just a boy", thing could be act and he led all girls on this way. Tiredly she got up from her bed rubbing at her eyes, and silently slipping her shoes on and sneaking out of her room. There were guards everywhere, she didn't wish to leave castle grounds, she only wished to return to the spot where he'd kissed her. It was almost like she was sleep walking, not realizing at first that, that was where her feet were taking her.
    When she reached the grey stone path that led right to that area, she took pause trying to decide if she wanted to put herself through this. With another step she'd made her decision, she would go back.
     Emma arrived to the grass covered area and took the same seat she had when Killian had been there, this was the first time in the past week she'd been out of the palace. The air felt cooler to her skin causing goose-bumps to form where it was exposed. Laying back so that only her legs, knees down, hung off one end of the bench, she stared at the sky. It was mostly cloudy now, the sun was swallowed up by puffy cotton cumulus clouds. "Ms. Swan?" She heard the same sinister voice say from behind, sending her shooting upwards.
    He stood dressed in all leather, this time he allowed his features to be fully exposed unlike before when he was dressed in rags, he grinned when their eyes met. "How'd you get in here?", Emma asked startled, already tensing up and preparing herself for whatever came her way. She didn't understand how this man did what he does, but she do whatever she could to protect herself.
    "Well I didn't walk here if that what your thinking." The man replied, taking a few steps closer to where she was sitting.
        "I don't know what you want from me, but theres several armed guards near by and with one scream from me-"
     "Now, now Emma, there's no need." He replied cutting her off, "I mean you no harm.".
        "I think you do."
    "Well, thats your problem not mine. I only wish to see if you've made any progress. There's a danger, a danger that's been dormant for sometime that's heading this way for you and I hope for your sake and my own, you learn of the skills you possess." He said, his expression watchful.
    "I don't understand what your talking about. What threat?" Emma asked, alarmed.
    "It be much simpler if you believed." He commented shortly, "But sadly you refuse to. It's a woman for whom only you can stop, she wishes to destroy you as means of revenge. Your parents know of this, if you are destroyed Emma Swan the world the rest of us know will be consumed in eternal darkness.".
    "Eternal darkness, do you realize how absurd that is?" Emma responded exasperatedly.
    "Your glowing." The reptile man commented changing the subject. "The pirate is still here you know. Couldn't bear to leave this place yet. Maybe that has something to do with you."
    Emma felt her heart quicken at the thought, but she was quick to dismiss it worried to get her hopes up only to be disappointed. Like she had so many times growing up in the foster system. "Don't toy with me."
    He giggled, "There may be hope for you yet.". And without warning he disappeared once more, leaving her questioning the statement.

Where The Sun Meets The Moon #Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora