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~Laurance's point of view~

"How could I believe you?" asked Aphmau. "If I did "the thing" to other girls, I would regret it." I leaned in closer. "JuSt kIll yOuR SeLf AlReAdY!" growled Aphmau. "Aphmau?" I worried. "i'M NoT ApHmAu, I'm ThE dArKeR VeRSion aNd ShE SwOrE To KiLl HeRsElF." she held up a knife to her arm. Then a black version of Aphmau came out of Aphmau. "..." Aphmau was silent. "TIME FOR ME TO FINISH THE DEED." then black Aphmau had a sword towards Aphmau's throat. "TiMe FoR Me tO FiNiSh ThIs." then dark Aphmau pushed the sword onto Aphmau's throat. "NO" I grabbed her sword and I turned into my shadow knight form. "NOBODY TOUCHES APHMAU BUT ME!"  I growled. "Come on Laurance, you wouldn't hurt me if it was..." I stuck my sword into her chest. "Nice choice, we will meet again." then she disappeared. "Aphmau? Aphmau are you okay?" I asked. "I-I believe you now..." she starts to sob slowly. "No please Aphmau don't cry please, I hate it when you are sad." I frowned. "The way you protected me..." she looked down with her dark blue eyes. "Aphmau I protected you because I love you, you are my only love." I smiled. She hugged me while she was crying. "When you are happy, I'm happy but when you are sad, I'm sad." I frowned.  "I love you Laurance so that's why I'm doing this." she held a sword up to my neck. "Heh, are you now happy?" I asked. "I'm feeling better but I will be happier if I beat you in sparring." she giggled. "You can never beat me!" I got out my sword and I held my sword toward her neck. "Time for me to land the final blow." I let go of my sword and I kissed her. "This is what you call a final blow?" laughed Aphmau. "Yes this is my final move." I chuckled.  She let go of me. Her eyes were now pink. "Aphmau your eyes are now pink." I laughed. "Stop it Laurance." she playfully slapped me. "What I can't help it! It's just your eyes are now beautiful!" I flirted. "Laurance the Prince of Flirting." she giggled. "Actually it will be Prince of Making Out if you don't run away." I smirked. "Ahhhh!" she ran away from me and then she climbed a tree. She hissed like a cat. "You are not a cat." I chuckled. "Help me please, I'm stuck." she looked down and she climbed higher. "But you know I don't climb trees." I whined. "If you come up here and save me then you can get a kiss from me." she laughed. I climbed the tree and I swiped her into my arms and I grew my wings and I flew down. "You are my knight and shining armor." she kissed me. "I am more than that, I am your prince charming." I looked into her eyes, they were pink. "Shall I carry you to the village?" I flirted. "Ha no but we talk about how much we love each other and we can hold hands and all that." she blushed. "Actually we could make out while going there." I flirted. "HA FAT CHANCE. RACE YA!" she ran to the village. 

~In Phoenix Drop~

The gang and I were sparring and of course Travis is flirting with Lucinda. I was against Garroth, Aphmau was against Grace, Silvia was against Drake, Katelyn was against Maddie, Aaron was against Zane, SilkGodess was against Dante, and Travis was against Lucinda. Aphmau and Grace were the first ones to spar. "GO APHMAU!" half of us yelled. "GO GRACE!" the other half yelled. Aphmau got out a bow and arrow and almost shot Grace and then she got out a sword and she held the sword to Grace's neck. "AND THE WINNER IS APHMAU!" yelled Silvia. "Good game." Aphmau grabbed Grace's hand and she helped Grace up. "Same goes to you." Grace hugged Aphmau. It was me and Garroth who were next. And of course half the gang were cheering for me and the other half for Garroth. "Time to take you down!" I smirked. "Not unless I beat you first!" he laughed. I transformed into a ant and then I walked behind Garroth and I transformed back into a human and I held my sword up to his neck. "Sorry Grace." frowned Garroth. "good game." I helped him up. "Ditto." Garroth nodded. 


The only people who were left were Me, Aphmau, Silvia, Maddie, Aaron, SilkGodess, and Lucinda, I'm guessing that Travis let her win because he's knocked out. I was against Aaron, Aphmau was against Silvia, and Lucinda was against Maddie and SilkGodess. The three girls were the first ones to go next. "GO MY LOVE!" Travis yelled. I smacked him in the head and he was knocked out again. "GO MY GODDESS!" Dante yelled. I smacked him in the head and he knocked out. "you can do it!" Aaron supported. I left Aaron because I knew Maddie and him were dating. Lucinda put her staffs to the necks of SilkGodess and Maddie. "Good game you two." Lucinda shook hands with Maddie and SilkGodess. They both nodded. "I knew you would win." Travis tried to get a kiss in but Lucinda bonked him on the head. "Stupid..." Lucinda rolled her eyes. "Stupid but handsome!" chuckled Travis. Then Lucinda knocked some sense into Travis. "OWWWWWWW" Travis rubbed his head. Maddie hugged Aaron. "At least you tried Maddie." Aaron kissed Maddie. Maddie blushed. "Even through you didn't win, I will still love you." Dante tried to kiss SilkGodess but she pushed away Dante and she held a sword towards his neck. "Do not ever try to kiss me ever again." she growled. "NEVER!" he jumped on SilkGodess and he tried to kiss her but she kicked his stomach and he started to gag. "Okay fine you win but I will still flirt with you." he smirked. Then Aphmau and Silvia were next. Aphmau drank a potion and she disappeared. She then turned visible and she held her sword to Silvia's neck. "good job!" Silvia hugged Aphmau. "Same to you." Aphmau patted her on the back. It was me and Aaron that was next. I ran around him to make him dizzy and then I stopped and I poked him and he tipped over. "Good job Aaron." I helped Aaron up. "Good job to you too." he nodded. 


It was Aphmau vs Lucinda. Aphmau grabbed Lucinda's staff and she used the staff against Lucinda and then she held her sword to Lucinda's neck. "Game." laughed Aphmau. "Good game." Lucinda was helped up by Aphmau.


It was me vs Aphmau. "Good luck trying to beat me." Aphmau laughed. "I'm going to be beat you alright!" I chuckled. As soon as Dante said go, Aphmau ran to the tree tops and she hid. After a while, I thought I won but then Aphmau shot some arrows and then I pretended to get shot. "OWWWWWW" I pretended. "Oh I'm so sorry Laur- LAURANCE YOU BIG CHEATER!" she yelled. I climbed the tree and tried to find her. "If you come here Aphmau then we can do what ever you want all week." I smirked. "Hm I'll think about it." she sounded like she was behind me. I looked behind me. "AHHHH!" I fell down the tree and saw I Aphmau holding her sword toward my neck. "I win!" she giggled. "WHY DID I LOSE TO A GIRL?" I whined. "BECAUSE GIRLS ARE BETTER THAN BOYS OHHHHHHHH!" Aphmau high fived all the girls. All the boys and I growled at the girls. "What? Girls are better than boys because we are fan girls." Aphmau smirked. "Wait no please no do not summon..." I pleaded. "I SUMMON OUR ARMY OF FAN GIRLS!" then huge amounts of fan girls were behind her. "My order is... to attack those boys." Aphmau pointed toward us boys. Then the fan girls started to run toward us. "AHHHHHHHH!" we ran for our lives.


WOO 1350 WORDS!!! but anyways FANGIRLS UNITE AND GET RID OF BOYS but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!!!

Mission to Dracos -Laurmau FF (Book 2 of 3) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now