Aphmau's story

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~Laurance's point of view~

"TIME FOR ME TO READ YOUR STORY ON WATTPAD!" I laughed. I searched up her name and I read her story out loud,

'Once upon a time, there was a prince named Laurance and a princess named Aphmau. They were both best of friends until Aphmau's father said they had to move. Aphmau didn't want to move, she would miss her friend so much. Before she had to go, she said bye to Laurance. Laurance was sad. After 20 years has pasted. Aphmau was running away from her village. Her village was burning because of Kleo. She ran to a place named The Dragon Nations. She was greeted by two guards, Garroth and Dante. She said she wasn't from O'khasis. They let her in. Then she was greeted by a guard, it was her friend, Laurance. Laurance noticed her right away. Laurance hugged her. Laurance said he missed her. She missed him too. Then out of nowhere, Laurance kissed Aphmau. Aphmau was surprised. She asked Laurance why he did that. He did that because he loved her ever since they were kids. Aphmau had the same feelings for him. They both lived happily ever after. The End'

"Don't judge my life." Aphmau crossed her arms. I was speechless. I felt like I should kiss her right now. "U-uh when did you write this story?" I asked. "I wrote this story when you were blind. I only wrote this as a joke!" Aphmau admitted. "Uh huh sure." I rolled my eyes. "IT'S TRUE!" she yelled. "okay fine. But I'm going to still read your stories." I chuckled. I looked over her books. Her book names were "Have I lost you?", "Love you till the end." , "I'm here with you." , and "Caged." and THEY WERE ALL ABOUT ME AND APHMAU! "Um Aphmau what is with all these Laurmau FF?" I asked. "I said don't judge my life." she had her no no face on. "Oh my Irene Aphmau stop with the no no face!" I whined. "Okay fine." she stuck her tongue out. "I have an idea! Let's spy on Dante's and Max's date!" I smirked. "YAY I NEED TO FIND OUT IF MY SHIP IS SAILING!" she yelled. "Wait what?" I asked. "Oh nothing." she turned away from me. We both teleported to Dante and Max's date.

~Dante and Max's date~

We looked over the bushes. We saw Dante's attempt to kiss her but it ended up her punching him. We heard Dante's yell. Then we saw Dante put his arm around Max. Max cuddled up with him. "Wait why is she cuddling up with him?" I whispered asked. "I don't know." she answered. Then I looked around, Silvia threw a love potion at her. "Silvia threw a love potion at her." I whispered. "Yay!" she smiled. Then I saw Dante kiss Max. Max was fine with it until the potion wore off. "DANTE STOP KISSING ME!" she yelled as she tried to let go of Dante's grip. But Dante tightened his grip. Then he was making out with Max. "I SAID GET OFF OF ME!" she yelled. "NEVER!" he yelled as he pushed her against the couch. She pushed him off. "THAT'S IT WE ARE THROUGH! I WISH I HAVE NEVER AGREED TO DATING YOU!" she yelled as she walked towards the door. "Wait no please I-I'm sorry." he rubbed his arm. She started to unlock the door. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know what came over me." he grabbed Max's hand. "I-I don't believe you." she said. "Just please believe me or else I will be heartbroken..........forever." he let go of Max's hand. "I understand if you don't want to date me, I guess I will just sit in my room and look for other girls as beautiful as you but nobody can be as beautiful as you! YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON I HAVE EVER MET!" he held her closer. "Dante please let go of me." Max said calmly. "NO NOT UNTIL YOU LOVE ME BACK! I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FIND ANOTHER GIRL LIKE YOU! KAWAII~CHAN TALKS IN THIRD PERSON AND NICOLE IS TOO ROUGH! YOU, YOU ARE HALF KAWAII~CHAN AND HALF NICOLE! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAX PLEASE ACCEPT MY LOVE!" he cried. "I-I never knew you loved me more than anybody, I guess I could stay for awhile." she walked away from the door and she sat on the couch. "Thank you Max." he hugged her. "If you be yourself, then I love you more, I don't like Casanovas." Max blushed. "Wow so that's why she wasn't swooning over me." I chuckled. Aphmau rolled her eyes. Then Dante took his chocolate cake to the table. "ooh cake!" Max went to the table. "OOH CHOCOLATE MY FAVORITE!" she grabbed a plate and she took a piece of cake. She tasted the cake. "Mmmm this is soooooo good!" she ate a bit more chocolate cake. "I made this because I knew it was your favorite." Dante rubbed the back of his neck. Max kissed him the cheek. "BEST CAKE EVER!" Max jumped up and down. "I'm guessing you like chocolate cake?" he laughed. "LIKE IT? I LOVE IT!" she hugged Dante. "Thank you so much for making this chocolate cake. I haven't had chocolate cake since...well my parents died." she looked like she was about to cry. "Hey don't worry Max, you still have me." Dante patted Max's back. "NO IT WILL NOT BE OKAY! MY PARENTS DIED WHEN I WAS ONLY 6 AND NOW I WILL NEVER BE ANYBODY'S FAM-" Dante kissed her. "I'm here for you Max." Dante hugged her.


940 words yay but I won't be able to write chapters for a few days because my dog chewed my charger for my laptop but I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, this story will be 40 chapters long.

Mission to Dracos -Laurmau FF (Book 2 of 3) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now