Wishful dream

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~Laurance's point of view~

I was on the bed reading a book called,"Mission to Dracos."  It was about girl traveling to place called Dracos and her husband was trying to find her. "Do you like that book?" Aphmau asked me. "Yeah I like it." I replied. She came towards me and she kissed me. Then she went onto the bed and then we......

~After Laurance's dream~

I woke up, DARN we were about to make out, then I looked to my desk, I really need to stop reading fan fictions. I mentally face palmed. Aphmau looked up at me, "Good morning Laurance." she said in a soothing voice. "Good morning Aphmau." I smirked. She got up and she kissed me on the cheek. "Come on we have to get ready!" she said. "Get ready for what?" I asked. "We have to fix the animatronics, we have to get ready for the next attack, and I want some free time with you." she giggled. We both snapped our fingers and we both were in our clothes. She grabbed my hand and she dragged me outside. I was getting hurt along the way because Aphmau literally dragged me to the pizzeria which was still being repaired. 

~Time skip of magical ponies, brought to you by Zane~

We arrived at the pizzeria and we saw the animatronics waving at us. "OKAY WHO NEEDS TO BE HEALED FIRST?" I yelled. "Our mother needs to go first, let the puppet go first, then let our dad go second, let golden Freddy go next." Freddy said. I took the puppet and Aphmau took golden Freddy. "So why did you protect us?" I asked the puppet. "They are my children after all, I have to take care of all of them." the puppet said. "Yeah but why did you protect me and my army?" I asked. "You guys are my family and since you built me and my children, I have to protect my master and his army." she replied. "Puppet you know that not everybody has a soft side, some may have pure hearts while others might have fully dark hearts, dark hearts can be healed but sometimes a dark heart can stay as a dark heart forever, pure hearts can stay pure or it can become corrupted... just like Kleo." I looked down. "Who is Kleo?" she asked. "Well since Zane and I are both brother in law, I guess Kleo is my nephew?" I chuckled in confusion. "So that means you are the uncle of Kleo?" Puppet asked. "I don't know, the family tree is messed up." I laughed as I healed the puppet. "Thank you so much Laurance, thank you for taking care of us, thank you for building us, thank you for... everything..." the puppet hugged me. "It's okay." I patted her back. 

~Aphmau's point of view~

I was fixing Golden Freddy when he asked, "How did you meet Laurance?"    "Well I met him at Meteli. He was a flirt and he kept flirting with me." I replied. "Go figure, well anyways you two seem perfect, did you two ever fight or anything?" Golden Freddy asked. "Yes we did... there was this one time when Laurance thought I cheated on him and he threw his ring on the floor and he killed me when I tried to comfort him." I started to tear up. "Aphmau I'm sorry that I asked that question, please don't cry." Golden Freddy apologized. "No no it's fine, I understand, you just want to know more about us." I wiped away my tears. "Well then, onto the next question, did you guys ever make any babies?" he asked. "U-uhhh..." I blushed bright red. I heard laughing in the background, it was Laurance. "LAURANCE!" I yelled. "I heard everything, and no we didn't have babies...yet." he chuckled. "Then how did you guys have four children?" Golden Freddy smirked. "I found Levin at my doorstep, Malachi was a ghost and Zoey did something to make him human,and we adopted Alice and Alex." I explained. "And me and Aaron got a baby from Raven but I let Aaron and Maddie keep it." I added. "Aren't you jealous Laurance?" Golden Freddy asked. "Nah." he replied. "Surrrrreeeee." I rolled my eyes. "Aaron and Maddie are already dating so no I'm not jealous." he explained. I fixed Golden Freddy and he thanked me. "No need to thank me." I said. "No really thank you for everything." he said. Me and Laurance walked out.

~Laurance's point of view~

We both ran to the weapons store and we bought a lot of weapons. It costs about 1000 dollars. "Laurance can you be a good boy and let me use your credit card?" she asked. "Fine." I gave her my credit card. She used it. We teleported to our home and we gave the weapons to our allies.


I figured out the family tree but anyways guys I hope you enjoyed it and if you did then please comment and follow me to see more of this and as always DRAGONS UNITE!!!!!

Mission to Dracos -Laurmau FF (Book 2 of 3) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now