Chapter 19

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Silver smiled as he looked around the room. He's been in here time after time over the past few months, and every time he reentered, he couldn't help but smile and feel the loving warmth that enveloped his heart.

He was standing before the newer, and bigger nursery. There were the three cribs on one side that were for their young pups, and one large crib on the other side to house their unborn pups, for now. They'd each get their own crib when they were older.

He smiled as he rested his hand on the large dome that was his belly.

Four. He smiled. They were to be blessed with four more children.

He didn't know who had been happier when they'd gotten the news, him or Mephiles.

And as of recently, Mephiles hardly let him leave the bed because of how heavily birthed he was. But he couldn't help it. He wanted to move around. He'd be going into labor and survive with his four new children.

And over the past months of his pregnancy, he was happy to say that he and Mephiles had definitely drawn closer. From the energy feeding sessions that Silver and the pups needed, to Meph talking to the little ones inside to calm them down as Silver tried to sleep, or even the demon lord bringing in their eldest pups to touch and listen to their siblings moving around in their mother's belly.

He was even happy to know that, upon receiving a return letter from Sonic and Shadow affer they told them about Silver's pregnancy, he was happy to find out that Sonic himself was pregnant as well, his and Shadow's mating having been successful just like their own...

Silver smiled, rubbing his squirming pups within. It would be nice if he and Sonic could raise their pups together....

But he'd receive a letter as soon as Sonic delivered. But Sonic was quite a bit further along then he was. Around the time they received the letter, Sonic would be in labor. Or so he assumed. Their little ones has recently learned to walk and run. Absolutely running their demon father ragged as they took advantage of their legs. They were even beginning to form sentences. So whenever they were with their mother, they tried to make conversation. It was also around that time that Mephiles had them wear more then cloth diapers, now wearing children's clothes. It was a very exciting time for him.

And Silver couldn't have been prouder. These were his children, his pups that would inherit the land of Mephiles' demon forefathers. These were his children, their children, that would become eventual rulers and powerful figures that would be remembered all throughout history.

And he'd given birth to them.

So with a smile, he left the nursery and went to meet up with his mate for lunch, as usual. Their dining area had been changed to the seating room in their chambers however since Silver couldn't walk that far to the dining room anymore.

So, with his lunch and his mate on his mind, he waddled back down the short hall from the nursery to the chambers he shared with his loving mate.

Mephiles sat their waiting for him. Their pups sitting in their own seats as they impatiently waited for their lunch. "There you are," Mephiles mumbled, standing when his mate entered, "I was afraid I'd have to come looking for you."

"Sorry," he smiled after receiving a welcoming kiss from his mate, "I'd lost track of time. I was in the nursery...."

"Again?" Mephiles raised a brow.

"Again," he giggled sheepishly.

"Mama... I'm hungry," young Crystal whined alongside her pouting brothers. They were just a few of the words that they could say so far, but it got her point across.

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