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"It smells absolutely delicious," Stephen commented, straightening the napkin upon his lap.

"Thanks, it's almost done," the girl smiled, "I hope you guys don't mind that the noodles aren't that al dente."

"That's fine," Halle stated.

She avoided the steam as she poured the pasta into the strainer. Five seats at a circular table welcomed them, and the scent of her secret sauce recipe enticed their hunger. She fixed the plates, filling them generously, and placed them in front of the respective consumers. Anthony wasted no time in picking up his fork and spinning the pasta until the girl halted him.

"Wait, just another minute and we'll eat."

Well, it wasn't even a whole minute before Nate entered the kitchen and sat between the girl and Stephen. With her approval, they began dining, helping themselves to whatever they pleased, be it the garlic bread or the salad to accompany the pasta dinner. The young detective looked at the girl for only a second before rolling both of his sleeves up to his elbows- that he made sure not to rest on the table. He twirled the angel hair through his fork until the length barely dangled from it and he took the first bite. The other two men had already been in their second and third bites while the ladies had yet to, using their spoons to aid in the twirling. 

"Thanks for cooking again for us," Halle stated before her first taste.

"It's my pleasure. Here, I also got this."

She rose from her seat, went into one of the cupboards, and returned with wine. It was a nicer name and even impressed the older woman. 

"Excellent taste, I see."

"I try to be a classy person every now and then. I just happen to know wine in this instance."

The conversation strayed and went on multiple tangents from then on. Nate had little to no contribution to the verbal cesspool; instead, he decided to appreciate every ingredient he could taste. His bites were slow and considerate, and he had yet to stain either his cheeks or clothing with the red sauce. He only looked up whenever the girl had any interjections to add. Halle looked to Stephen, then to Anthony, and the three of them smirked at one another.

"It's been a little too quiet, I think," Stephen stated, "but I'm not complaining."

"I bet. Ever since you guys shut down that ring, it seems like a bunch of assholes realized someone can take them down," She winked at her boss.

"We still owe you thanks for helping us solving that, really," Anthony added between bites.

"I was just at the wrong place at the right time. I didn't do anything. I just got lucky. Too lucky."

Nate was silent. In that moment, the television playing in the background mentioned that there was going to be a farmer's market opening in the city Square in the approaching autumn and made a mental note to go. He also made sure not to say anything as his associates grew the slightest bit heated.

"I've never been more sickened by humans in my life, and that's really saying something," Stephen rambled, barely swallowing his food first, "Ketamine in alcohol is reoccurring, but a waitress drugging the water and working with traffickers!?"

"If anything, as women we're supposed to stick together..." Halle looked down.

"I'm just grateful I didn't get shot. I really don't know how I lived or found my way home. Or at least, made it to our sidewalk."

"As terrible was what happened to you was, it did lead us to some of the pawns, and ultimately the bosses of the whole operation. All because of that stuffed bear," Anthony added.

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