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It started as a rumor.

"Okay, she's in for half, and I'll match with her," Stephen stated, placing their money inside of an envelope. Anthony chuckled at his associates. He took it and placed his own money inside as well. After, he placed three slips of folded notebook paper along with the cash and tucked the tab into the envelope. 

"In the name of sportsmanship, I can't wait for you both to lose," The blond smirked.

"I know I am right. Stephen has the sense to agree with me," Halle replied.

"I actually hope I'm wrong. Near would be devastated if it were true."

Anthony's following tangent was prematurely muted when the girl passed each of them. She snapped her head at them, and they directed their attention to the kitchen table where they sat, twiddling their thumbs in a poor attempt at being inconspicuous. Halle had the better composure of her colleagues, as she dared to make eye contact with the girl and strike a casual conversation.

"I'm glad to see you are feeling better," She sipped her coffee.

"Thank you. Three months of vomit got old, but I'm settled now. Besides, the doctor said it wasn't a virus, so I'll be fine."

Stephen looked to Halle with a cocky grin for a brief moment. His actions were caught by the girl's peripheral vision while she rummaged through the fridge. Her desired snack was in hand, but she found herself hungry for knowledge.

 "What are you all acting so shady about?"

"It's nothing," Stephen stated as he stared at his hands in an absent-minded state.

"I'm not going to pry, but I still need to ask you guys something. I hate to be a burden, but he has to fly to Los Angeles tomorrow for the weekend, and I can't go with him. Could any of you guys go for me?"




"What?" The girl was only more perplexed. 

"It's nothing," Stephen reiterated.

"I'll go with him, it's no trouble," Anthony stated, resting his elbows on the table, "but I have to ask, why can't you go?"

She stood and went back to the fridge, this time looking for a beverage, and she settled on chocolate milk. It had only contained about a glass worth or so. In that, she took the whole carton with her. 

"The doctor said that my stomach would not deal well with flying or even highway driving. Crazy motion won't do me well."

Anthony raised his eyebrows and offered a nefarious grin to his associates briefly, reminding them that they had half of a chance to be wrong and he right. Any other teasing that transpired went unseen by the girl as she left for her corridor. The fashion remained loyal to its latest design change, so she had to maneuver through snaked paths before reaching her desired spot. She plopped onto the mattress, sighing aloud.

"Sit up," Nate ordered.

She complied with him. He sat directly behind her at the foot of the bed. The young man began kneading and rubbing his hands on her spine, moving up and down as she asked. The tension she had built from walking around their room and facility released while he worked his magic. 

"Nate, I think they're onto us," she said, rubbing her abdomen.

"Really?" He continued massaging her back.

"As I walked down the hall, I heard them say 'I'm right, you're going to lose,' something around those lines. When I came out they got quiet. The real red flag was when I told them I couldn't fly. Halle and Stephen declared 'Yes!' while Anthony looked abysmal."

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