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"Will is going to die." Charlie managed to get out before she burst into tears. "What? Hang on, what?!" Cherrie couldn't believe what was happening in front of her eyes. This once strong, confident girl, brought down to a crying wreck.

"Tell me everything."

* * *

"And he said i couldn't tell anyone or he was gonna beat him till his soul escapes his body" Charlie cried again, this time into Cherrie's shoulder.

"Come on now, lets go." Cherrie re assured the crying girl. They left the bathroom 1 hour later and headed towards their next class as Charlie wiped her tears.

Her next class, Science, was unfortunately with Will and Dan, and as much as she loved Will, she couldn't tell him why they had gotten so distant lately.

"Hey Charlie, i was wondering if-" Will was about to finish his sentence when he noticed Charlie wasn't even paying attention, she walked straight past the boy with a pained look on her face and a guilty feeling in her heart. "Charlie? everything ok?" He asked, truly concerned. He put his hand on her shoulder with Charlie shrugged off. Will managed to grab her wrist and spin her around towards him, no way for her to escape his hold.

"Char, whats up with you lately? You seem so distant and now your ignoring me? Please tell me what i did wrong!" A tear fell from the girls eye but she denied its presence when Dan came waltzing into the class. "Gotta go." Were the last words she had spoken to him in days and now, for more.

Missed calls piled up on her notifications bar next to the messages of love and distress all from Will. This boy was crazy in love with Charlie and it broke her knowing he could be dead if she told him. For so long she forced herself to stay strong, for it was only 3 days until the tournament.

Then her phone went off again. Charlie just assumed it was from Will and ignored it. Then a ringtone erupted from the speaker in her phone and it wasn't Will's. She groaned into her pillow and picked up her cell phone. It was Dan.

She checked the text message first and all it said was 'tick tock tick tock'.

She replied with 'tick tock tick tock? what does that mean?'

Seconds later a new message appeared on the screen. 'You have a matter of days left of being my princess'

Confused and scared, Charlie turned off her phone and set it down on her bed.

Thursday. The week of horror and emotion was almost over. Charlie prayed that today would not be the same as yesterday. Since she only woke up at 6, she decided to watch some TV in the lounge. She stumbled into the room still half asleep and collapsed onto the couch and reached for the remote. She started channel surfing for awhile until she found a show called "face off" which seemed quite interesting so she tuned into the show.

Time had gotten the best of her in the end, Charlie jumped from her comfortable position on the couch when she saw the clock strike 8 and raced out of the lounge into her bedroom.

She quickly tossed on her school shirt and slid into her tartan skirt before throwing her hair up in a messy ponytail. Charlie called Delila and Craig, as they lived close to each other, over to the corner between all of their dwellings to walk to school together.

But on the way, Charlie spotted a blonde haired boy, looking extremely sad, a tad depressed, walking on the opposite side of the road. She took a closer look, peering over Craig until she could get a better view.

Charlie soon realised that that sad little boy was the one who she fell in love with on day one. Will. "Hey guys you keep going, i forgot my phone." The red head called to her friends slowly backing in the other direction. Once her friends were out of sight, Charlie ran over to Will and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

"Get off me! Leave me alone!"

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