Trigger Happy Havoc

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Warning: Spoilers for Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc


"I'm rather proud of my ability to tell lies. I can not only trick others, but even my heart..."
-Celestia Ludenberg


"IGGGGYYYYYY~!" yelled the American as he burst throughout the doors and went to hug England from behind.

The smaller man was taken by surprise, jumping at least two feet off the ground. His face becomes flustered with the colour of crimson red, like Spain's tomatoes. He was about to scold the younger nation for his indecent actions when he felt his oxygen supply come to an insufficiency.

As oblivious as he was, America continued to hug and made it even tighter. Once he felt the heavy and hardened breaths of the other, he lets go to check on the state of his beloved. His strength is something he should definitely control, and something he should be very wary of.

"Be much more careful next time, please," says the green-eyed male while he places his hands on his knees, bent over, to catch his lost breath. 

"So, why did you come all the way from wherever you were to my home?"

America jumped with sheer happiness and picked up Britain, placing him on his shoulder. His back immediately received punches that gave non-existent pain as he rushes over to the couch that was situated in front of the wide, flat screen television in England's living room.

The former pirate falls flat on his back on the couch and faced his former colony, who, by the way, was towering over him with a dangerous yet adorably cute smile dancing on his lips. A rectangular object that had a red cover was soon being shown right in front of his face. "ダンガンロンパ," it said in big, bold, arial black letters.

Unable to read nor understand the foreign language written on the DVD case, the older man interrogates the other. "What's that, America? It better be not another one of those horror movies you're so terrified of."

"What the hell?! I'm not scared of them! They just surprise me, that's all," denied the towering nation.

He gets off the other and sits down beside him and explains what he wanted to do. Britain had hoped that it wasn't one of those movies that scared him so much. Tonight was definitely a night that he didn't want to share his bed with that obnoxious teenage country. He knows very well on how teenagers are since he has raised this imbecile.

"It's an anime Japan recommended. I thought we could watch it together!" Alfred proclaims happily while going towards the DVD player, in order to place the disk he wants to watch so badly.

Apparently, the anime he had was Danganronpa. It was about a group of 15 elite students who were scouted and got accepted in Hope's Peak Academy. However, they were trapped in the campus by an insane bear, whose name is Monobear and claims to be the principal. In order for them to get out, they must commit the perfect crime of murdering your fellow classmates. But, seriously, who would be so daft to believe that?

"How long are we going to be watching this?" asked the elder man.

The younger blond answered with a hint of doubt. "There's, like, 25 minutes in each episode, and, like, 13 episodes. You do the math."

By this time, both of them were seated on England's couch, making their selves comfortable. The world superpower was controlling the television  using the remote controls while the former empire was in charge of holding the extremely large bowl of buttered popcorn America brought secretly. He never agreed to eating to such atrocious and unhealthy food, but what does he need to complain about?

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