Dreaming Wishes

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Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

The grandfather clock in the royal chambers rings, signalling the arrival of midnight. At this moment, most of the citizens in the Kingdom of Spades would be slumbering their homes, getting rest in preparation for the following day. Palace guards would start their rounds, wandering about and making sure that nothing too suspicious is happening. Everything's alike to a regular night in this kingdom.

Restlessly, the queen of Spades sits up on his bed, knowing the fact that he cannot sleep peacefully. Unhealthy grey bags could be found nestling underneath bloodshot green eyes, a clear indication that Arthur isn't feeling as well as he used to be. He stares blankly at the window on the other side of the bedroom, the light emitted by the moon allowing himself to be captivated by his thoughts.

It's almost been a week since he's heard from his beloved king, and it's getting him quite distressed. Not only has the amount of his work increased, but the simple feeling of not knowing the location and status of your significant is very concerning. He doesn't understand how everything came to be. The events don't feel like they're from the same puzzle.

For several nights, Arthur had began thinking on finding the king himself. However, he was certain that Yao, the Jack of Spades, wouldn't agree to even one little bit of his plan. "We cannot risk losing you, Arthur. I've already sent search troops to look for him. All we can do now is wait and hope," as he would say.

Once the queen was able to compose all of his thoughts, he took a deep breath and glanced at the table at the bedside. There stood a fueled oil lamp, a neglected, cold cup of tea, and the queen's clock. He reached out to grab the object that lead him to the past of being a monarch for this lovely kingdom.

The circular object was carefully placed on both of his palms as he shot intent looks, wishing for a miracle coming from the inanimate object. Green eyes were wide with every little move of the clock's hands. His silent wishes remained unsaid, his voice getting caught somewhere in his throat.

Unknowingly, tears flow down of his pale cheeks. A few sobs escape his mouth his mouth as he places the clock to where it was before, concluding its useless state. Wiping his tears using the sleeve of his white dress shirt, he realises that he hasn't even changed from his usual attire.

Arthur was too busy with the double work load to care for himself. The only meal he would usually be able to take would be breakfast, he's even forced to take his afternoon tea while addressing the conflicts inside their kingdom. With all these on his shoulders, rest was pushed past midnight.

If Alfred saw him right now, he would probably fussing over him right now. "Oh, Artie! What happened to you? You don't look too good. I'm taking you back to bed, alright?" That's most likely what the king of Spades would say and do.

At the thought of his husband, Arthur loosened up a bit. Alfred wouldn't want him to keep sulking and get much more exhausted with each day passing; he would want to be found so that the problems could be solved altogether. If this continues on, the kingdom would falter.

The queen dried his tears and laid back down on his pillows. His eyelids were randomly dropping as he tried his best to remain awake to observe every single detail on the top of their canopy bed. Exhaustion slowly takes up as he finally gives in to slumber, regardless of the light emitted by the oil lamp, which he forgot to turn off.

Only what feels like a few minutes later, he opens his eyes, wide in shock. Fast and sharp breaths were taken at a random pace as he sits up rapidly, turning his head from side to side. A feeling of dread drops on his heart and completely. He couldn't seem to shrug off thoughts on what happened to his beloved husband. "He could be badly hurt, injured, paralysed, or even dead!" Arthur yelled in his mind.

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