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Arthur’s feet were shaking badly as he hesitantly took a step closer to the frozen lake in front of him. The cold blades of his ice skates failed to keep him stable in his stride. He panted nervously, imagining a scene that doesn’t sound too appealing in his point of view.

His eyes travelled to his companion, Alfred, who was enjoying himself on the ice. Silently, he envies his boyfriend’s abilities, wanting to have as much fun as the other. He makes it look so easy. How long has he been doing this?

“Artie!” called out an obnoxious voice. “How much longer are you gonna stay there?”

The Briton was taken out of his thoughts once he heard that message. Subconsciously, his feet slipped underneath him, causing him to fall on the snowy ground. a yelp of surprise escaped his mouth as that happened.

Arthur fell back, landing flatly against the ground. Snow covered his jacket and pants, almost making them look fully white. His sandy blond hair grew a resemblance to Gilbert’s cotton white fringe. Great, I bet I look like a complete mess right now.

Before he could push himself off the ground, somethign warm made its way on top of his body. A pair of bright blue eyes met with his own emerald green ones, giving him the ultimate hint as to who was hovering over him.

“Alfred, what do you think you’re doing?” he asked in a slightly annoyed voice.

“Kissing you,” the American replied shortly as he did the aforementioned action.

Green eyes widened at their lips touching, uncomfortable with the fact that they were displaying their affection in a public place. His heartbeat count increased, causing more blood to flow to the capillaries in his cheeks. A reddish tint covered the pale skin of that area, making him look cuter.

This idiot! People could see us here and take it the wrong way. What is he thinking?  Arthur yelled in his head. He may be keeping me warm, but this is most undignified!

Alfred pulled away, harbouring a mischievous smile on his face. He looked at the Briton blushing, wishing he had photographic memory to remember this moment forever.

“You idiot! Are you aware that people could see us here?” complained the green-eyed man as he tried to push his companion off and get up.

“C'mon, Artie,” said the American, putting on a pouting face right after. “We’re the only ones who know about this place. Stop worrying.”

At the end of his sentence, he pressed another chaste kiss on his lover’s lips, causing their cheeks to gain more of a reddish tint. However, in Arthur’s case, his face just got a lot more flushed, much to his delight. alfred pulled away in an instant and shot the other man a childish smile.

“A-alfred! Stop,” stuttered the elder man.

After a short fit of laughter, the American pushed himself up, getting off the grumpy Englishman beneath him. He outstretched his hand and finally helped the other man back to his feet. With a few wobbles, they walked slowly towards the frozen waterform.

The blue-eyed man let go of his partner’s grasp and effortlessly travelled to the opposite side of the rink. Arthur, who was highly inexperienced in situations like this, just watched aimlessly. It’s not that he found the ice too slippery for his liking, it’s just that he wasn’t too confident with his movements, making him unnaturally nervous.

Honestly, how can he make this look so easy? I can hardly stand straight on the ice. He discussed with himself. Is it an American thing?

Alfred noticed that he remained alone in the vast space. He turned to where he last saw his companion and started skating in that direction, having one goal set in his mind. He can’t just stand there and watch. That’s insanely boring. I’ll have to teach him then.

“Hey, Artie,” he said while holding on to the Englishman’s forearms, “why aren’t you skating with me?”

The said man was plainly grasping every last bit of balance he had to keep himself standing, in a desperate attempt. “I don’t want to, that’s all,” he said defensively, turning his head in another direction as he did so.

Knowing what those words actually meant, the American harboured no hesitance as he pulled the other man onto the skating rink. A shriek of fear and shock made its way to both of their ears before Alfred felt arms tightly wrapped on his waist, causing him to almost lose his balance.

“Woah! Artie, take it easy. The ice won’t eat you,” he reassured the distressed Briton.

The shorter man stuttered as he attempted to fix his posture. “The ice is uncomfortably cold. Does it look like I want to deal with that right now?”

Alfred managed to help him up, with little to moderate shaking. Both males had their attention trailed on something. The shorter one fully concentrated on the ice and his footing while the younger one was too focused on his beloved to even care about his own movement.

“How do you make this look so simple?” Arthur asked curiously, green eyes still trailed on the tracks left by the blade on his shoes.

“It is,” said the blue-eyed man. “You just need practice.”

Originally posted on Tumblr

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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