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It is a known fact that keeping a journal or perhaps a diary is healthy for one's mind. Writing everyday may not be necessary, but letting out your feelings once in a while helps calm the brain down. And, surprisingly, England thought it was good idea. However, it's quite obvious that he won't let the other nations find out about this little secret of his. He wouldn't want his pride wounded.


Entry # ××

Date: July 04, ××××

Today was America's birthday. As much as I'd like to just stay home to avoid the chances of me passing out sick, I wonder how it would be like to have gone to his 'badass' party. Most of the other nations think that I don't go because I still haven't moved on. They are mistaken, I am quite proud of the nation America has become now. That is, apart from how he has disgraced the Queen's English.

Each year he sends me invitations. I am not so certain whether these are sent just for the sake of celebrating with many people or for how much fun it would be to rub this achievement in my face. Does he truly hate me for what I had to do to him years and years ago?

After all of this tension is cleared between us, I'd really fancy becoming friends with him. I've been thinking about this for quite a long time already, and I have come to the conclusion. His approval is all I need for this little desire to be fulfilled. Although, with all of these circumstances, I am quite sure that my wish will never happen.

All this emotional stress and doubt isn't helpful at all. I still have some paperwork to finish as well.

- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Arthur Kirkland


Entry # ××

Date: February 14, ××××

The day started off beautiful with a bit of cloudy weather. Sunlight pierced through the bundles of cotton, and, therefore, just letting out the correct amount of heat to kiss the grounds London. However, past noon, the rain started to pour heavily. Most of my citizens immediately rushed in their homes for shelter against the bitter precipitation. Was this set to match my foul mood?

A few days ago, it was Japan's birthday. Only a day after, it's Spain's. And, of course, I was present in both of their silly, useless parties. I don't know why they even celebrate. We're nations, and it's quite obvious that we are centuries old. Wouldn't it be a lot more pleasant if we won't dwell on the fact that we are growing quite aged.

And now, today is Valentine's Day. Or, as single people love to call it, Single Awareness Day. I'd usually just shrug this event off and go about my daily amount of work to be done. However, after a few decades have passed, I'm starting to feel dread and hopelessness in this certain time of the year. That is incorrect. I'm supposed to keep my head up in hopes of finding my significant other.

Since nations aren't allowed to have any romantic relationships with humans, I don't really have much to choose from if ever I wanted to mingle with anyone. And it's not that I've been thinking about going out with a certain someone! Definitely not. I'm not thinking about a tall, muscular, handsome, blond American.

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