Puppet Clown Pierrot

223 9 20

Inspired by Karakuri Pierrot by 40mP ft. Hatsune Miku


It's been two hours since our supposed rendezvous ...

England stands in front of a certain fast food store as he (im)patiently waits for America. He glances at the silver watch he has on his left wrist and gets surprised by the data it displays. It was roughly 2 hours since the time of their improperly planned meet up. Like what others would think, he wanted to leave earlier, but this became a usual thing in their relationship so he stayed. That's funny. Haven't the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in a special relationship for so long?

I'm standing here alone, so I guess that's your reply....

The blond nation crosses his arms on his chest and taps the tip of his left shoe on the pavement. A frustrated expression was sewn on his face while he turned to look left and right for the stupid, obnoxious American boy, who, mind you, was nowhere to be seen or found. But then, he was used to this occurrence, right? Hasn't the younger nation been disappointing in one way or another recently?

The people passing by, the flowing clouds above...


Britain sighs. Today was supposed to be an astoundingly beautiful day in London; no rain nor excessive heat. Clouds of all shapes and sizes were floating high in the skyline, filtering just the right amount of sunlight and heat that would touch the ground of the United Kingdom's capital. However, the citizens that were passing by seemed to be quite bitter with their day. Perhaps rain did fit their attitudes and personalities better. But in the personification's point of view, he felt as if the clumps of water vapor in the air and the humans were sneering at him.


It was easy

I found you in the middle of a barren field thanks to a certain acquaintance of mine. To my disappointment, there was another party who wanted to grasp hold of you. It seemed to be quite difficult for me seeing that you immediately fell in love with his amazing dishes and gourmet. Easily enough, I was hiding my shame in one area when you chose me over the other.

That was when things went rather smoothly. I took care of you as of you were my own child instead of how I would treat a colony. You appreciated my works, even my terrible cooking skills. Due to that, I was highly delighted and inspired to keep on going with what I've been able to start. Our bond as brothers grew stronger and stronger with each day passing. You'd hate it terribly if I had to go away for a few months. I usually chuckled at your adorable behaviour.

And yet extremely difficult

When you grew up, the conflicts started to present themselves clearly in the spotlight. One good example of this was the French-Indian war. It wasn't my choice that I had to demand high amounts of tax from you and your citizens. Sadly, in the end, you wouldn't change your mind about independence and declared war. My country was already starting to break down. Your declaration added to the burden.

For more or less 8 years, everything between us had become a tornado of misunderstandings and arguments. Both you and I wouldn't give up on what we want. A lot of lives were lost, a bunch of things were sacrificed. What did all of the bloodshed do for us? Only negative for me, I believe.

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