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Picture of Kim^

I'm Kim. And yes, I was the nonbeliever of the group. It didn't make any sense to me that these things were possible. Don't get me wrong. I love these kind of stories. But seriously, what was I supposed to think? I was told my whole life that magic wasn't real. Science explained everything, any thing not explainable doesn't matter. Anything not explainable by science was hokum. I wanted to go into a science, magic doesn't go with science. Now I'm ranting. Anyways, we were at Jim and Davis' house and they were trying to explain what was happening, but I didn't want it to happen. We were all sitting in their living room while they tried to explain it, but Stevie and I kept interrupting.

"Yes!" Stevie yelled, jumping forward. "Mumbo Jumbo is real! Ha!" she pointed at me, I glared at her in response. She shrank back on the couch.

Davis looked her and blinked, "Are you done?" We both nodded and sat back on the couch. "Okay. Good. As you figured out were not human. Some of you may not be either. Obviously Lilli isn't." He pointed at her. "Me, Dixon, Jim, and Barry are all shifters like Lilli. Augustus and Max are elves, and Sam is a fairie, although Dixon is half fairie. Whenever we said we had to leave for our job, we were actually leaving for a battle like today, we don't work at the dump. We keep people safe from vampires and stuff."

"Why are you telling us this? Couldn't you just erase our minds or something?" Macy asked.

"Yes we could, well I could, but when we saw you had powers we knew it wouldn't do any good. Until you can use your powers whenever there is an attack you won't be able to protect yourself." Barry explained. "And while Dixon has an excuse to hang out with you all the time, the rest of us don't." Dixon smiled brightly at Stevie.

"How do you know what our powers are? Are those what kept happening during the battle?" Ava asked him.

Jim nodded, "You're powers are strong. But you can't control them. Since you were in danger and your adrenaline kicked in, so your powers just happened without you thinking about it. That happens to fairies that don't know how to use their powers, or even just mages, because they're humans."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively.

He looked at me in disinterest, "Humans can't handle magic, it's why you use science to explain everything. Specifically you." He pointed at me. "The only reason mages can use magic is because they have a small amount of fairie blood in them." He looked around the room, then pointed at Stevie. "She's got fairie blood, and those two." He pointed at Gracie and Macy. "Their eyes change color."

Barry took a step forward, "I think Ava's got some in her too. Her eyes change faintly when she's drawing." He stepped backwards. "Not that I notice that kind of stuff." I shot a look at Ava. She shook her head at me. I smiled back at her. Jim watched the interaction, squinted and looked from Ava, to Barry and back to Ava. He smiled a tiny bit, but stopped when he met my eyes. Jim turned to Taylor and squinted, "Pretty sure she's elf. Tall, athletic, and strong. Your power had to do with animals?" A tiny baby squirrel appeared on her shoulder, "Yup. She's an elf."

Augustus nodded towards me, "What about her? The only one here you can't read? That why you don't like her?"

Jim squinted at me, "Yeah. Harder to read. They all hide their emotions, but hers are too weird. And I never said I didn't like her."

Lilli stepped forward now, "She's human. Her parents are both human. I think any ways. The only problem is that I've never seen her eyes change, so she doesn't have any fairie blood."

"Interesting." Davis mumbled. Gracie and Macy looked at their phones, then showed it to me. I forgot that I was supposed to drive hem home. "Let's go." I said, everyone waved, said bye, or some combination of the two. I got in the van and buckled up. Gracie had climbed in to the passengers seat, and Macy got in the back. Except for the radio, it was silent on the way home. A couple minutes before I pulled into the driveway, Macy poked my arm. "You okay? You weren't too fond of the idea of magic." I glanced at her through the rear view mirror and nodded.

"I'm fine. I just need to sleep. Running, and farming and planting. Just doesn't make any sense." I pulled in to their driveway. "Here you go. See you I don't know when." The twins said bye simultaneously. I pulled out of their driveway and headed back to my house. I drove slower than normal, so I could think with out being bothered, at home there was my little brother Kenny. I could escape him in the field, but it was too hot to work since it was three in the after noon. I parked on the patch of dirt my van had worn into the ground and walked inside, swinging my keys on my hand. I walked inside to hear Kenny yelling at the television. He was losing at Mario Kart. "'Sup Ken. How's your day?" I ruffled his hair and sat on the couch deflated.

"I haven't been able to win a single game in the past hour. This never happens." He said without turning from the screen. I laughed when he yelled because he hit a wall right when he crossed the finished line.

"You're playing like me!" I yelled laughing. "Did you check the strawberries yet?" I asked. He shook his head. I got up and took off my socks and shoes so I wouldn't get them muddy. I grabbed an ice cream pail from the garage and walked into the the field. I stepped onto the mud, and a tiny flower popped up. I looked down at it and smiled. My dad pulled in to the drive way as I was walking back to the house, my pail full of strawberries. "Good crop today! Wow!" he exclaimed when I handed him the bucket of strawberries.

I nodded and said, "Yeah. And something weird happened today at the mall." He got quiet when he saw a flower poking out of the grass.

"What kind of weird?" He asked, and when I explained he pushed me inside. "I was hoping we could ovoid this, but I guess not. But you'll have to wait until tomorrow when your mom gets back from Duluth."

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