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Picture of Taylor^

Herro. I'm Taylor. Um. I'm telling this story. Because I was told to I guess. By my control freak friend Kim. I don't know why I'm an elf. Elves are short. I'm not short. I'm tall. Macy and Gracie are short. Davis and Jim can try to explain it to me, but I don't think I'm an elf. What? Shut up Kim. It's my turn, stop talking. Nope. Stop. I haven't listened when you explain it all this time, what makes you think I'm going to start now? You are distracting me! Thank you. I will finish telling my part, thank you for leaving me alone. Well then. Sorry for the interruption. I am one of the elves in the group, and yeah. I forgot what I was talking bout before I was rudely interrupted! I'm gonna tell the story now.

I groaned as I rolled over. Then I promptly fell out of bed. My younger brother, Phillip, immediately responded. "Are you okay!" he yelled through the wall.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I yelled back. I rolled over on the floor and looked at my clock. Ugh. It's only 5. It's summer. I shouldn't be getting up this early. A weird chattering was behind my head. I turned, and came face to face with the baby squirrel from yesterday. My cat reared up when she saw the squirrel. I reached over and gingerly petted the squirrel on the head, then I rubbed its chin.  It made a strange purring noise and I laughed. Do squirrels purr? Who knows? I smiled when my cat tried to pounce on him. She jumped up, then fell off my bed with a thud. I burst out laughing, "Merlin. You're so dumb." I reached over and petted her on the head. She purred and rubbed her head against my leg.

The squirrel hopped towards me and put her paw on my toe. Merlin hissed towards the squirrel, "My hooman!" Macy just spoke! How did Merlin speak? The squirrel hid behind my foot. Merlin chased her, I thought the squirrel was a her. "Stay away from my hooman! Tallor is my hooman! She's myne!" I laughed when the squirrel ran under my bed, and Merlin ran into the bed post. She sat down and shook her head. The squirrel poked her head from under the bed. And I heard a strange chatter that sounded like a laugh.

"Mot amy more!" She yelled at Merlin, "She's my humam mow Merlim!"

Merlin got up and stalked out of the room and said, "This ain't over Timny!" She hissed and glared at the squirrel as she walked out of the room. So she is a he? And his name is Timmy? That's a stupid name. I don't like that name. I held out my hand and kissed the air. Timmy crawled to me and climbed in my hand. I smiled at him and petted him on the head again. I got up and got dressed. I had to go to Lilli's so we could talk about me apparently being an elf. What time was I supposed to be there? 11? Yeah, that sounds right. But that's in six hours! Gah! I ambled into the kitchen and poured a bowl of gluten-free Cheerios. I ate it while I watched Timmy run around the table, teasing Merlin on the floor.

"Cut it out you two!" I scolded them. Timmy stopped and looked at me, his nose twitching.

Merlin looked up at me from the floor, "Tallor can oonderstands us meow?"

Timmy looked down at her, "Yeas stupid. Tallor is mart like me. Ands mows she can do the magics." Merlin hissed at Timmy. Timmy pushed my spoon off the table, and it landed a foot in front of Merlin. She growled and jumped back a foot, hitting the leg of the kitchen table. I laughed and Merlin jumped on the table and chased Timmy. Timmy jumped down and ran as fast as he could to get away from Merlin. I jumped up when I heard the doorbell ring. I stumbled towards the door, almost kicking my cat and stepping on Timmy. As I opened up the door, Timmy ran outside, Merlin hot on his heels. If squirrels have heels. As she ran out, Merlin crashed into the visitors legs. He fell forwards and I barely managed to jump out of the way.

I looked down at the floor at the visitor, who had landed face first on our hard wood floor. He rolled over and I saw who it was. "Ugh. Max. I thought you were someone interesting."

He smiled up at me from the floor, "This view is very flattering for you Tay." He groaned and got up, dusting himself off, "And good morning to you too."

"What do you want?"

"Can't a neighbor just stop by to say hello?" He flashed the pearly whites, leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms. He was trying to play cool, even though he just fell on his face.

"Not at five in the morning." Then I got confused, "How did you know I would be awake? Like I said it's five in the morning."

His arms fell to his side and he blushed. His cool act immediately fell apart and he started stuttering, "I uh. Um I saw your light on." He then blushed even harder, "Not that I was looking in your window. I just looked out side. And happened to that. It was on." His voice died slowly as he was talking. "I think I'm going to stop talking now." He turned to leave.

"Wait. Why did you come over?"

"Jim asked if I would help explain Nassir. And I got bored at home, I'm just used to getting up super early, because that's how I grew up when I lived over there." He looked up at me, "I'm babbling now aren't I. I think I need some sleep." He sighed and rubbed his face, then turned and walked back down the driveway. I watched him walk down the side walk until I couldn't see him any more. I closed the door and turned, "Well that was weird."

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