Family Mayhem (Mother!Yuya x Son!Reader x Father!Yuto)

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Requested by: shyannada141


"Mom! Dad! I want to leave now!" Yelled the irritated young boy.

"Excuse me?" Yuya replied back, "You are waiting, currently your father is being difficult."

"Look, I'm sorry if I'm taking too long but you should try and be flexible. I'm packing as fast as I can-" Yuto yelled from his room.

"You should of been packing yesterday! I don't want to deal with a moody teenager!"

Yuya was gathering the bags and supplies. He was putting the bags into the trunk. The young boy stared at his mother doing this action it was hard to watch her do this. She was irritated so she was rushing things, just a little though. The boy sighed and entered into the back of the car. He got out his phone and his earbuds. He plugged himself into the virtual world of music.

As he leaned his head against the window he watched the wind blow through the trees. Finally Yuto and Yuya entered the car and began to make their way. Of course the boy was not paying any attention to his parents. Nor he was paying attention to what was happening right now. A hour or so passed, as he was doing these actions. He then was snapped back into reality.

"(y/n), are you listening to me?" Yuto repeated.

"Um, yes Dad?" Answered the (h/c) boy.

"I was asking you, if you were hungry because your Mom here has some rice that you can eat."

"Yes I-"

They heard a noise of popping. They started to slow down, Yuto pulled over. He turned off the car and got out.

"Mom, what is going on?" The boy asked.

"I don't know..." Yuya

Yuto knocked on one of the windows. Yuya rolled it down, the purple black haired male sighed, "One of the tires-"

"I told you to change the tire Yuto!" Yuya shouted, "You never listen to me!"

"Yuya, it's fine. I can call someone and they can change the tire or we can get towed." Yuto persisted.

"No! We are not going to get towed! We are going on this vacation, dammit! And we'll be happy!"

"Mom please calm down. Everything is going to fine," (y/n) chuckled out, "Dad just forgets sometimes..."

"I know, but-"

"Everybody makes mistakes, it's best to learn from them."

Yuya pinched his cheek, "Aw (y/n), you're starting to sound like an old sap!"

"Heh, Mom! Who do you think I get it from?"

"Don't call your Mother old." Yuto chuckled.

"It was a joke!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V x Reader (FAMILY ONE SHOTS) (ENDED)Where stories live. Discover now