Studying (BigBrother!Yuri x LittleSister!Reader)

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Requested by: imperialknightEmiley


"Hey nerd, how is it like to be lower than me?" Yuri snickered at (y/n).

(y/n) groaned, "Get out of my dorm! If the teachers find you here you'll be expelled!"

Yuri held up his pass, "Don't worry! I have a pass with me you moron! I got one to see you! You know, it's great to be the best student at Duel Academia!"

(y/n) rolled her eyes and continued to do her homework. Yuri walked over to her as he closed the door behind her. He peered over her shoulder and leaned on her. She was studying trap and spell cards. He knew that his little sister failed the test. So she begged to take a retake. This time she was studying unlike last time.

Yuri was observing her study methods. It was rather dull for him, he frowned. H shook his head and took away the paper. (y/n) made a noise from annoyance. Yuri kept on reading her writing. At this moment this was of studying was too dull for her.

"Meet in the Gym." Yuri snickered as he walked out.

(y/n) groaned, why was he doing this? She went into the Girl's locker room and got into her gym clothes. Yuri was in the field, she ran up to him. Yuri smiled and held up baseball bat. (y/n) smiled lightly at her brother, this was of studying will be more fun to do. He gave her the bat and walked off. He went to the center base and threw the ball.

"Pot of greed! What does that do?!" He shouted.

She hit the ball and yelled, "You draw two cards!"

"Mirror force! What does that do?!" Yuri threw the ball and shouted.

"Um, uh!!" She missed the ball.

"C'mon on man! You should know this by now!" Yuri laughed.

"When your opponent-"

"Too late slowpoke!" Yuri laughed.

"I hate you!" She shouted.

"Love you too shortie!"

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V x Reader (FAMILY ONE SHOTS) (ENDED)Where stories live. Discover now