Learning and Failing (Parent!Dennis x Daughter!Reader x Parent!Yuri)

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Requested by: Fusion_Scum


"Dads!" (y/n) screamed as she slipped on the ice, "Help!"

Dennis chuckled as he skated over to the slipping girl, "I'm trying to teach you (y/n)! We're in New York, most performing arts people know how to ice skate!"

Yuri skated over to help his daughter up, "Dennis you don't have to force your interest onto your daughter."

"I agree with Dad, though I want to learn how to ice skate! Back in Japan most of my friends know how to ice skate!"

"I know, I know," Dennis held (y/n)'s hands and began to spin her around, "That's why I'm teaching you!"

She smiled and hugged her Dad tightly. He wobbled a little from all of the weight that was being put onto him. He then chuckled and straightened her out. He was talking to her about moving her feet like figure skaters do. (y/n) of course fell a lot when she didn't bend her knees. She doesn't have to be stiff all the time. Yuri pulled out his phone and started to take all kinds of pictures at the two of them

He smiled at his growing girl. He remembered when they first saw her, he loved her the moment he did. Yuri couldn't be happier. He loved his new family. Though he felt as if his little girl was growing too fast. Meanwhile with (y/n) she was getting too worked up about all of the moves. She couldn't handle it, her feet were getting tired and she was out of breath. Dennis skated her to the side with Yuri. Yuri patted (y/n)'s head then her shoulder.

"Dad... Why do we switch between Japan and New York?" Inquired the (h/c) girl as she was staring at her father spinning and jumping.

Yuri sighed, "You know, it's father's dream is to act. He loves being on stage."

"I know but, he works so hard as well. Doesn't he need a break?" Her eyes darted at Yuri then back to Dennis.

"Yes, but he doesn't listen to me. He's been tense lately," Yuri's eyes soften, "He-"

Dennis rapidly skated over to his lover and picked him up. He skated away backwards. Yuri made a noise from shock. He set Yuri down and spun him around. Yuri was laughing as Dennis did this to him. He then picked him up again, their noses were touching. He kissed his lips softly, the purple haired male kissed back. The older man set him down and slowly spun him around. It was romantic to watch.

(y/n) started to skate over to the two of them, she was wobbly. Dennis took a quick look at her, he cheered her on. She was embarrassed and covered her face with jacket, she can still see though. She then fell on her butt and started to pout there. Dennis chuckled and so did Yuri. They skated over to the pouting girl and helped her up.

She looked over at Yuri as exclaimed, "Dad why are you so good at skating?!"

He chuckled, "Well you see when your father first brought me to New York he took me on a date. It was to an ice skating rink, it was sweet of him because he bought a really nice pair a skates even though I could of used the ones that were kept here. So, he taught me how to skate. I was like you, I pouted a lot. Though other than that, it was romantic."

Dennis smiled, "I thought it was one of our best dates ever."

(y/n)'s eyes lit up, "Do you think I can be a professional figure skater?"

"That was random," Dennis chuckled, "But no one is stopping you. Follow your dreams and what not!"

The girl smiled and hugged her parents. She skated away then fell onto her back. She was still a beginner at skating. (y/n) gasped then started to laugh, it was painful but she loved this moment.

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