Operation 1: Meeting Her

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Levi's POV

My slow huffs of breath become rather choppy as the alarm o'clock goes off.

Reaching for the clock, I brush my fingertips on each button until I find the right one, pushing it.

I've got work today, I think, pushing myself up and out of bed. Turning around, I straighten out my comforter.

Also, I have to meet the transferred brat.

Making my way to my dresser, I open my drawers one at a time, picking out a white button-up shirt, a pair of black pants, and a new pair of underwear.

To be honest, I couldn't care less who transfers to T.I.T.A.N. The thing that irritates me is I'm the one who has to meet them all and "retrieve" them--also known as guide them back to HQ, act like their mentor, and just hope they don't get emotionally attached to me. Stupid brats and their hormones.

It's wasting my time and this certain one will be interfering with my work and my personal life.
I'm sure everyone can live happily not knowing I work at a café for my second hand occupation.

Buttoning up my shirt, I dust off my pants and head into the bathroom.

Brushing past my uniform, I open the toothpaste and stick a reasonable amount on my toothbrush. After I rinse my toothbrush under the faucet, I quickly brush my teeth for a good 2 minutes.
I turn on the faucet once again, spitting out the minty foam, making sure to wash it all down the drain.

I grab my comb and carefully tend to my cowlick, glancing at my uniform hanging in the closet once or twice.

I still need to wash it. Four-Eyes said I'll be out in the field again soon. It's unusual for something like my uniform to not be washed for more than two days. I just haven't gotten to it.

I click my tongue quietly, making a mandatory note to wash it tonight.

Striding out of the bathroom, I pick up my keys and walk out of my quarters.


After tying on my blue apron, I fix my cap with the logo displaying three buttons with comical springing motions.

"Oh! I didn't think anyone would arrive just yet," My co-worker, Sasha Blouse says, emerging from the kitchen.

I glance at the time, 7:56 A.M.
"Everyone should start arriving now." I mutter, opening the cupboard under the sink, grabbing the usual pair of white gloves.

"Yeah, I guess they want to be fashionably late..." Sasha trailed off, setting her eyes on an open bag of potatoes. Her russet eyes gleam as she takes one out and brings it to her lips.

In a swift movement, I snatch it away from her, my nose scrunches slightly at the vegetable.

The female whines, sticking out her bottom lip.

"Tch. If you're actually going to eat the thing," I begin, turning on the sink. "Wash it first. There's dirt all over it." I finish, drying the potato with a paper towel and then handing it to Sasha.

"Thank you, Levi!" She smiles widely, chomping into the vegetable hungrily.

I grimace at her action, though I disdain it when I see the first customer walk in.

I give Sasha a look, making her retreat into the kitchen.

Tch. The cashier hasn't showed up yet.


"Here are your two black teas, four sugar-free mini donuts, and a mint stick." I say, setting the food down first, then, picking up the two tea cups carefully by the rim, I set them down on the table accompanied by a middle-aged couple.
"Yes, thank you!" The woman smiles.
"You're welcome." I dip my head, "Is there anything else you would like?"
"No, thank you." The man speaks this time.
"Right. Have a good day." I say, then walking back to the cashier counter.

Countless servings and countless room checking. Where the heck is the transferring brat? I think, picking up the next order. It's been three hours now. This is ridiculous. Did Erwin forget to inform her about meeting me here?

I silently click my tongue, striding to the table with the order.
"Good morning. Here is your raspberry tea." I say, setting it down in front of the man.
"You're welcome. Anything else?"
"Um... Actually yes. I would like a powdered donut with the chocolate icing..." The man continues to talk, though I ignore him when I hear the door bell ring, indicating another customer.

Turning my head slightly to see who it is, I sigh in somewhat relief.

Her (e/c) orbs flicker around, trying to locate an empty table. (H/c) locks bouncing gracefully with each step. A calm, disdainful expression on her (s/c) face.

(F/n) (L/n).

Took you long enough, stupid brat. I think.

A tap on my forearm catches me off guard and I snap my head back to the man.
"My apologies. What did you say you wanted?" I ask, looking down at the man with the required respect.
"A powdered donut with the chocolate icing. Pay more attention to customers next time." The man says, and I nod.
"Right... It won't happen again." I mutter, keeping my monotone expression.

Walking to the cashier's counter, I mumble the man's request and glance at the clock above.

11:54. Seven more minutes.

Walking back to the man with the requested treat, I mumble a second apology and give him the donut. Then, I excuse myself, walking back to the counter.

Fixing my gloves, Danielle walks up to me.

"Hey Levi? Do you think you could go to your lunch break early? I-I have nothing better to do anymore," She inquires, shuffling her feet nervously.

I blink, acknowledging her request. Things are going good, I think.

"Sure. Thank you." I respond, taking off my gloves and tossing them in the trash.

Danielle nods and picks up the waiter plate, putting the next order on it.

Now to see to the brat, I think, looking around to spot the (h/c) woman again.

Seeing her at a table for two, I make my way over to her.

As I do, the woman's (e/c) orbs flick up to me. The corners of her lips curving upwards in a smirk.

Pulling out the chair across from her, I sit down.

Opening my mouth to speak, I recall the code word I need to say.

"Yo?" I greet her, though it sounds more like a question. Stupid Four-Eyes. Her code words are ridiculous.

The woman snickers, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Huh! I never expected Humanity's Strongest Agent to say 'yo'! This is such a treat."

Tch. She's cocky.

I glare at her, my orbs having a dark hue.
"Shut up. I don't need any extra attention." I growl.

"Alright, alright." She says, her smile disappearing as fast as it appeared. "Let's talk business," she lowers her voice, "My name is (F/n) (L/n). Agent 378, I'm transferring from S.I.N.A. to T.I.T.A.N. I believe you're here to retrieve me, am I correct?" She tilts her head to the side.

I stay silent for a moment, letting the information sink in.

I sigh through my nose. "Correct. Agent 1; Levi."


Author's Note: The chapter definitely started out slow--well at least to me. I'm the one writing it word per word, so of course it seems slow!
The real spy stuff will come soon! Be patient! ;)

Did anyone notice how I had Levi say 'shut up' as his first interaction sorta thing? Just like the anime! I should get a little credit for that.

How'd you like the chapter??? If you liked it, destroy that vote button and/or comment what you liked or disliked. Feel free to put some REASONABLE criticism! :D

Also, how do you guys like the Operation instead of Chapter? Too cheesy?

Thank you for reading! :D

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