Operation 5: Uniform

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Author's Note: Eh. Delayed update. Sorry.

Anyways, real quick! I wanna know if I should post some additional chapters where there's mild romance between Levi and (F/n). Just for fun, y'know? So comment whether you want that, 'cause I have a lot of ideas for them. ^^'

To ze chapter~!


Silence. Everyone in the cafeteria. Silence. No one dares to speak, everyone even swallows their bite as quietly as possible.

Apparently someone is epic enough to jinx every single agent here; or its because everyone knows Levi is pissed. Now, how on earth could the HSA be so furious, everyone is quieter than a mouse? Before you all gathered in the cafeteria for lunch, you all had witnessed a snapping session between Commander Erwin and Levi. Though you yourself weren't quick enough to see the whole thing.

You stretched your arms after walking out of the elevator, your forehead shining with sweat due to the heavy combat training with Eren. It had become a frequent thing now and you enjoyed every bit of it. Showing off was one thing you could do for a long time. Getting knocked down was another thing; you did that a lot too, and you wanted to prove yourself so training was always extended to a good hour and a half.

You walk down the main hall, past your Mission Instructor's office along with Levi's sleeping quarters. As you turn a corner, that's when two overlapping voices came into earshot. You slowed your pace and peeked over a corner where the voices became louder.

"...You won't make me do it! I'm sick of all of this. You asked me to 'retrieve' her, not make her my partner! She's inexperienced and I want someone better! Petra's dead body would be better than--"
"Levi, that's enough! Hanji and I have decided! If you bring up the problem one more time, I'll see to you let go." A man with blond, well groomed hair said, though you couldn't quite see his face.
Levi growled, bringing his fist up and slamming it against the wall, a loud crack could be heard even from your distance.

Before Levi turned and stormed into the cafeteria, you scampered away from the corner of the hall and decided to go a different way to the cafeteria.

You swallow your bite and stab another piece of lettuce. In front of you sat Eren and Agent 331; Armin Arlert. The blond, bowl-cut boy stares down at his plate of food, too uncomfortable with the silence to start eating. Eren on the other hand, every so often, he would open his mouth to speak, but you're guessing the aura of the cafeteria interfered with it. It's effecting you also, though you pretend its nothing. It's no big deal really, I mean, Levi is just pissed off because of you becoming his new partner. You never actually agreeing to it is your only defense.

Levi was sitting diagonal to you, next to Hanji and a man who repeatedly sniffs his food before stuffing it in his mouth. Hanji was happily eating her tray of food--quietly.


Someone. Talk.

Your (e/c) pools flicker to everyone around you, searching for any kind of confidence to talk. Nothing.

"Y'know what's funny about short people?" Eren asks, his teal eyes focused on you.

I didn't say you.

"N-No, what is it?" You ask, trying to hide the slight hesitance in your voice. Your eyes said it all though. Hesitance, panic, horror, fear, you name it. Eren's asking for trouble.

"So, they have to look up at everyone right? What if someday, they look up for the last time, and--yes, it's really weird but suddenly, their neck grows like 50 feet like a giraffe or something. They'll be so tall, they can't look down!" He chuckles nervously, feeling the pressure of everyone's horrified eyes on him, his cheeks starting to have a light tint of red.

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