Operation 6: Trying Her

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Author's Note: I got this done last night but I was too tired to publish, so you're getting it on a Friday.

Please excuse my sudden burst: SCHOOL IS OUT HOMIES!!!! SO FRIGGIN' EXCITED FOR SUMMER! :))))


To ze chapter~


"What the heck, Levi? I've waited for one hour or so! What took so long?!" You yell, flailing your arms up in the air.
"Stop yelling, brat." Levi says, walking past you and down the sidewalk. "Follow me." He gestures you to follow with his hand.

You scoff, stomping over to him. "Are you going to give me an explanation?"
"I got caught up with something."
"And that something is...?" You inquire.
"Shut up."

You follow him across the road, through an alley, and a long sidewalk. You just hope he knows where he's going.

You chuckle quietly wondering what pedestrians might think if they saw you two with the uniform on. 'Maybe cosplayers?' is one guess you came up with.

Levi looks up at a building with a stair rail leading to the flat roof of the building. He walks over to the stair rail and starts running up the stairs.
"What're we doing?" You ask, following him up the stairs.
"Running up stairs," he replies, looking down at you with a raised brow.
"Dang it, Levi." You sigh, speeding up your pace. "Move aside, shorty." You say once you're on his tail. He snaps his head to you with a glare, but he moves to the side anyway.

Passing him, you continue up the stairs, as you go, a few creaks on the steps make you a little hesitant to continue though you reassure yourself with the stair case just being old and rusty.

"Hurry up, tall...y." Levi furrows his brows at his word choice, and you quicken your steps.
"Y'know, I'm surprised you haven't passed me yet. I mean, short legs make you faster than long legs 'cause you can sprint. I guess you're just an abnormal one, always denying you're sho--" You miss a step. Your shin smacks into the stair and you hiss a curse.

Levi breathes a laugh, though he shows no emotion of the amusement. "Do yourself a favor and stop being a cocky brat." He says, the corners of his lips perking up in a smirk.
"Shoot. That hurt!" You whine, getting back up. After taking two careful steps, you simply walk up the stairs slowly, Levi leaving you in the dust.

Once you reach the top of the building, you plop down on the floor, breathing heavily. "Please tell me we did this for a good reason."
"We did this for a good reason." The man says, taking out two triggers that were tucked in his thigh holsters. Two strings are attached to the bottoms of the triggers.

Levi presses two buttons, one which was the lowest released fumes of--you're guessing--gas. The top button, when he presses it, two grappling wires fly out of a small hole in the trigger, then when he let go, the wires retract back into the trigger.

"What're you doing?" You ask, looking up at him.
"You mean, what are we doing? We're going to maneuver to that building over there." He points to a building a few yards away.
"W-We're jumping? I've never used my gear before though!" You exclaim, your fingers curl against the rough ground.

Levi looks down at you, his eyes focus on your (e/c) ones. "I'm trying you, remember? I'm testing you with 3DMG gear. My old partner could adapt to anything, whether it was changing partners for a few days, using snipers for the first time, and using maneuver gear for the first time without guidance. Lets see if you can surpass her." He says, turning back to the building. "If you can't find out how to use your gear, you're not my partner. If you do, congratulations! You'll live for another day." He strides over to the edge of the roof, the night breeze causing his ebony locks to sway gently. "I'll see you either splat or on that building." He glances back at you, before hopping off the edge.

You yelp, running to the edge where he jumped. After a few seconds, he extends his arms and presses the grappling button, the two wires fly upwards before latching onto the roof of the building he instructed you to go to.

"Crap." You breathe, taking out your two triggers. "Am I going to die?" You ask yourself, looking down at the road that seems like a large black slit. "I'm gonna die."

Backing up, you whimper, trying to encourage yourself to go.

You shuffle your feet, your thoughts of encouragement wondering to how you'd look as road kill.

Okay, okay! Levi's partner could adapt to everything. He says 'she' so its a girl. She survived then! I can do this... Just think about girl power. I need to surpass whoever his partner was.

You inhale slowly and exhale after a few seconds. "Dang it."

You kick off your heel,

"I'm gonna die."

Running toward the edge.

"For sure."

At the last second, you leap, a breathy scream emitting your mouth.

Butterflies flutter in your stomach as you plummet to the ground. Adrenaline pulses through your veins. Your eyes water with no end due to the strong wind.

"For sure!"

Author's Note: SPLAT! I would add that, but it seems unprofessional. So uh, here you go! That's the end. Did you like the story? I hope you did. I worked really hard on it. It's a short ending and not a good one either, but Isayama did have the original ending of AoT for everyone dying. So, why not have (F/n) die in my story? So uh, THE END! Aand I'm a bad actress! We still have a lot to go. You guys are gonna rage when you find out about a certain something though. *wiggles eyebrows*

'Til next time!

He Tripped Me (Spy!Levi X Spy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now