Operation 8: Mission

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Author's Note: Jeez, my chapters are usually ranging from 1,000 words to 2,000 words but with this book, I'm getting 800 words to 900 at the most. :/ I'll make sure in the future chapters, they'll be long.

To ze chapter~!


"So, what do you do as the hacker?" You ask, switching your weight on your legs. To think such a simple question would trigger this shorty surprised you and despite the blond being as mature as a 15 year old could get, it took a lot to hold back a squeal.
"O-Oh, I do a lot of things! I make security programs for T.I.T.A.N., hack into oh-so-perfect databases when the commander requests it, and--just a bunch of things." Armin chuckles nervously, though his eyes gleam with excitement.

You nod, taking in the information. You're guessing he never had intentions to be an agent out in the field. Didn't Eren mention how Armin, Mikasa, and him have been friends since they were kids? They've gotten pretty far, you think, your brows furrowing at another thought.
"Armin, if you and Eren are working in T.I.T.A.N., is Mikasa too?" You ask, earning Armin's bobbing head.
"Yeah, on her most recent mission, she got pretty banged up so she's resting at her house." He explains and you hum in response.

The sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs catches your attention.
"Is (F/n)... in here?" A teal eyed boy asks, looking around.
"Here!" You raise your hand up, Eren's eyes flicking to you.
"Finally...!" He strides over to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Man, I've been looking everywhere for you. Commander Erwin wants you in his office." He says.
"Whoa... Okay, thanks." You reply, waving them both off before heading up the staircase out of the training room.

Why would the commander want you? Is it urgent? Is he just wanting to say 'hi' in spite of you two never having an encounter?


Walking down the hallway, (e/c) eyes searching for the commander's office.
Stopping when you see the slate on a door reading Erwin Smith, you knock on the door.

"Come in." A muffled voice states and you do so.
"Sorry if I'm la--HOLY EYEBROWS!" You yip, once you had gotten a quick view of the commander's face. Afterwards you laugh, backing up. "L-Let me try that again." You snicker, walking out the door calming yourself down.

The commander glances at your partner leaning against the wall with a 'Lucky You' look. Levi scoffs quietly.

Walking back in the office more calmly, you wave to Levi who responds with a curt nod.
"Sir, you needed me?" You ask, turning your attention to the commander--a blond man with icy blue eyes, followed by large eyebrows that seem to pop out.
"Yes..." He begins, giving you a once over. "If you mind having a look in here," he pushes a vanilla folder over to you. "You'll see a report stating two agents in T.I.T.A.N. have been missing for a day and a half. Their disappearances were recorded after they left on a mission to check up on S.I.N.A. about a recent conflict we had with them. We believe S.I.N.A. is holding them hostage," he finishes, leaning back in his seat. "In spite of you being a former agent for S.I.N.A., Hanji and I have decided on having you and Levi retrieve the two agents. Can you do it?" He asks, looking up at you.

As your eyes continue to graze over the details in the folder, you bite your bottom lip to hide the excitement in you. This is it. Your first mission! This couldn't be a better opportunity to show Levi you have what it takes. You couldn't be happier, but a fear pricks at the back of your mind. What will S.I.N.A. do when they see you in there? You push away the thought, you'll be careful. Lets just hope Levi doesn't mess up, you think, the thought having more than one meaning.

"Yes sir!" You couldn't hold back a determined smirk.
The commander breathes a chuckle and nods. "Good to hear. Levi will give you the needed equipment. I want you in the field in 30 minutes. Understood?"

"Yes sir," you and Levi say in unison, Levi's gaze lingering on you.
"(F/n), go and get your uniform on." Levi says, waving you off.
"Okay," you dip your head to the commander, excusing yourself.

Levi watches you go until you're out of sight.
"That girl has an energy I haven't seen in a while," Erwin says, looking over at Levi.
"Yeah, it's nice to see it aga--"
"It's going to get her in a lot of trouble. Keep your eyes on her." Erwin adds quickly, his gaze hard on Levi. The short man clicks his tongue, furrowing his brows slightly in protest.
"Just wait, Erwin. (F/n) has her flaws, but she'll surprise you. " he replies, his tone rather unfriendly.
"Hmph. I'll be waiting." Erwin says, waving Levi off.

Author's Note: Levi can be stubborn when someone overlooks those he's associated with, can you tell? I think its nice!

(F/n) doesn't look like it, but she's an agent who isn't about to listen to your bull crap. She's a skillful one who just hasn't had the chance to show off.

Now, what I'm doing for all my chapters in my books is explaining what parts I liked about the chapter. Sometimes I reveal a few things up my sleeve and such. Its completely optional to read, so feel free to skip it. :)


Armin is one of my favorite characters to write because of his tender facade. He can also be awkward and sometimes a snitch, and idk why but I like that. XD

What I have planned for (F/n) in this book, Idk how you guys will react. Its gonna be a huge plot twist and idk if you guys have noticed the major hints I've put in the chapters so far. Hehe.

Okie I'm done.


Aye, 'til next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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