Chapter one: Revival

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Camila's POV

There is absolutely nothing as utterly disgusting as a party full of teenagers who think they're adults, and adults who think they're teenagers. The stench of weed littered the air leaving not one once of clean oxygen to inhale. My head is spinning. Red solo cups littered the pale wooden floors. Walking through this house is nearly impossible. Outside's just about the same. A body or two passed out on the grass, vomit dripping down the patio stairs, and the class easies actively trying to get laid consistently throwing themselves at any guy possible. Normani left nearly twenty minutes ago back to our dorm. Why I decided to stay in a place like this alone still befuddled me. 2:35 a.m. the night before one of my biggest final exams and here I am. 

This is the most interesting my life has been. I Literally dont go anywhere. I'm either always at school, my dorm, or working. This is the most action I have gotten since high school, back when i would be at every party in the city every single weekend. I said my goodbyes the the couple people I actually knew and started making my way home. I decided to kill the night's silence with music. I reached to my back pocket and removed my yellow pair of headphones. A sudden rush of relief rushed through my body. Though I am far from being afraid of the dark, I always felt as if I was being followed. Tonight though, I felt as if I owned the night—as if I was capable of breaking into a house, steal a banana, and walk to my dorm not giving a shit if the police was called.

Like clock work, I felt a warmness burning on the back of my head which slowly stated washing down my back. My once confident walk slowly started to an end. I reached for my headphones, And took them off. According to the show I watched a couple years ago using your phone in a situation like will get you killed. However it is advised to pretend to be speaking to someone on the phone. Either I'm about to get jumped or I'm about to get kidnapped or murdered. I work very hard for my money. There is no way in hell I'm taking out my brand new iPhone and risk it being stolen. Slowly I began to zip down my jacket and placed my phone in its inner pocket. When I finally gathered enough courage, I stopped walking and turned back. Sure enough, two guys were following me. I recognized one of them as Joel Adams, who was a member of a frat which called themselves "The heroes."

Who the hell even came up with that?

I knew Joel wasn't good news. Judging form the looks of the guy to his left, he wasn't either. I turned back around, and started speed walking. Within seconds the sound of rushing foot steps nearing me broke the night silence. I started to run. After only a few minutes my legs gave up on me, and I started slowing down. A hand came to my shoulder and I was instantly thrown to the ground.

"Why are you running away from us, princess?" Joel said. His warm, liquor spiked breath entered my nostrils. I gagged.

"Get off me!" I started kicking, trying to fight him off my body. I had completely forgotten about the guy who was with him until I felt a cold had touch my cheek.

"Awh, look Derek. She's a fighter, isn't that cute?" Joel laughed as he pinned me down to the ground. He covered my mouth and started placing wet kisses on my collar bone. He began pushing himself down on my body. I felt his hard through his pants on my bare thigh. I was disgusted and once again tried to free myself from his abuse.

"Listen Cabello," Joel hissed. "If You scream, kick or try anything stupid, I swear, I'll kill you myself," I sobbed. Derek forcefully gripped my hands to the floor. Joel got up and pulled his pants down.

"The quicker you stop complaining, the faster this will be. Now stop fucking moving!" Derek yelled. Joel walked to me and kneeled, forcefully pulling my denim shorts off my body.

Am I going to die tonight? Maybe.

Am I going to be scarred for life? Definitely.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see him do this to me. I didn't want him to see the hurt in my eyes only for him to ridicule me further. Just as his body hovered mine, Joel was sent flying though the air and crashed on the floor and started screaming in agony. Derek was thrown across the street. Terrifying screams were heard from behind me. A blood chilling scream rung through my ears and Joel's body was thrown violently across the street, I sat up and quickly redressed myself. I stood up on my bruised legs and tried to run. Before I could get far, I was swiftly thrown under a street light.  I looked around me. Trying to find whoever brought me to this spot. I saw Joel and Derek's bodies lying lifeless on the ground, blood surrounding them. Frantically I begun to look around me, trying to find my saver and opponent's murderer. Right when I was about to make a break for it, I saw a woman walking towards me. I body went cold.

The woman slowly walked under the street light. She looked to be around my age. The young woman sported vibrant red eyes, black hair shoulder length hair. Her forehead shining slightly sweat dripping down to her thick eyebrows. My heart was racing, nearly pounding out of my chest.  I opened my mouth to speak but the girl was quick to answer first.

"Listen to me please. If you don't stop crying now, you're going to attract more of my kind. Please, trying to help you." She took a step closer. A tall man walked towards her.

"Lauren, if we don't leave now someone will find the bodies here and they'll now it was us. Come on now, we've got to get moving." The man said, she turned to him.

"Brian don't you see what's going on here?! We can't just leave her here after what those two did to her! Just Look at her, she's terrified!" The Raven haired girl said as she turned her attention back to me. "Listen to me." She looked straight into my eyes and lowered her voice. "You need to come with us before someone finds the bodies." I feared my life. She was surely not human and after seeing what she has just done to my two abusers I hesitated even further. 

"Lauren are you-"

"Brian Just get the fucking car we have to go!" The dark haired girl said cutting him off mid sentence. Air started getting heavy in my lungs, as if my body was rejecting it. I put my hands on my knees as I tried catching my breath.  I can't breathe. In and out. I told myself. Come on Camila. In and out. I shook my head. This cant be happening. My vision began to blur. In and out. I repeated once again. I looked up at the dark haired girl, she was on her knees right in front of me. I could see her lips moving but I couldn't hear a single word. The world went black around me.


Hi guys! Thank you for reading, be sure to comment and share if you liked this! I'll be updating chapters hopefully daily or every two days.

Hope you have a good day!

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