Chapter 12: Regret

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Ally's POV:

The look on Lauren's face at the first sight of her clone terrified me. Without even saying anything, Lauren looked at me with sheer terror on her face. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by The vampire's voice.

"Camila, I need you and Andrew to leave us alone...Now," Lauren said through clenched teeth. At these words, I felt my heart drop to my feet. Instantly feeling sick that Lauren knew what had happened during the cloning spell.

"Lauren, I don't think th-"

"Camila! Just leave! Now. I don't want to look at either of you! Just get the hell out!" Lauren said. The force in her tone made both Camila and I jump out of our seats.

"Lauren, Stop screaming at this girl! Come on Camila. We're leaving," Andrew spoke up and took now crying Camila with him. He gave Lauren a glare before stepping out of the house, leaving us alone.

I was terrified to tune back on Lauren's way. As I heard the vampire take a deep shaky breath, I felt my own eyes fill with tears as she finally broke the silence.
"Undo the spell," The raven haired girl spoke. "Please Ally. I know that.. It's linked to me. I felt it right as I woke up," As these words left Lauren's mouth, the tear fell out.

"You can't j-just do this Lauren! It's practically Suicide. You know that right?!?....I can-I I can make a spell so that you don't feel as much pain when the clone is getting killed! Yes, I- I can even tr-," I was cut off by a voice full of both anger and tears .

"Ally stop! I can't do this. I can't see you get hurt by the Sustays for helping me. I can't! You mean so much to me, and you've helped me so so much. Just please! Listen to me for fuck's sake!" The vampire hissed as I saw her eyes turn a dark shade of red, before she spoke again. " I love you Ally, and I'm not going to risk your life because you're trying to save mine," she talked, her voice clearly calmer. "I promised Camila I'd protect her with my life when we first met. Hell, look at where that's gotten me. I'm in love with her, Ally. That girl, She literally holds my life in her hands. I know she loves me as well, and I don't want her to do this," Lauren said and my eyes grew wide.
The realization of what she was trying to tell me, hit me in the chest, as I felt my heart break again.

"Lauren... Think about what you're saying here. I can't ju-"

"Ally please. Undo the spell. I need to do this. On my own" Lauren said, and I nodded. I understood what she wanted to do. I knew something would immediately go wrong.

"Can you tell me what you're planning to do, just to make sure we're in the same page?... Please? I'll undo the spell after," I looked up at The Raven haired girl with hope and sadness in my eyes. She simple nodded as she took a last glare at her clone. Disgust filled her face before she sat down next to me on the couch. Wrapping her arm around my back and pulling me into a hug, she kissed my forehead and I let out another set of tears.

"You're going to undo the aren't going to tell Camila about this, because I'm sure you already told her about the linking," she paused and took a deep breath. "I'm driving myself to the Sustay Mansion, and Turning myself in. There's a fifty fifty chance that either they kill me on the spot, or give me life under a condition. I'll take what ever, as long as Camila's Safe," Lauren concluded. I buried my fave at the crook of her neck as more tears came down violently down my face.

I composed myself and brought my body to my feet. "Okay.. Let's do this," I finally spoke, and Lauren gave me back a sad smile. I took her hand in mine as we walked back into the spell room. Taking a deep breath, and finally stepping inside to reverse the spell.
A/N: Hi guys, sorry for the low update rate, but I wanted this to get to at least 350 read to make sure people actually liked it. I'm sorry if you're not enjoying it. I'm really trying.

BUT if you actually like This, Share with your friends and vote! Thank you guys for being so patient. Love you, have a nice day.


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