The witch: 2/3

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Camila's POV:

I had slept through the whole car ride to meet the witch. I didn't know much about her, other than her name being Ally. Lauren showed me a few pictures she had taken With Ally. I couldn't help but feeling jealous once I saw the witch. She was drop dead gorgeous, with light brown hair and a matching pare of glittering brown eyes. The witch had her arm around my girlfriend, and without thinking I spoke up.

"She's... She's gorgeous" I said with amazement. Just then I felt a warm hand come in contact with my thigh.

"Yeah, she's a really good friend of mine. She's saved my ass a numerous amount of times actually" The green eyed vampire let out. "It's good to have a witch as a friend, I guess when you're a vampire. Specially when it's someone who's willing to do anything for you" she said. I turned to look at her and she had a huge smile on her face as she stared back at the picture.

"I'd do anything for you, you know?" I said instantly regretting my words, clearly showing my jealousy. I swiftly turned my head to the left and looked out the window on my side. I felt Lauren rest her head on my shoulder, and intertwine our fingers.

"I know. And I love you for that, you know?" She said as she lightly kissed my cheek. Her lips were warm and soft to my skin.

"We're here" I heard Andrew say. I had almost forgotten it wasn't just me and my girlfriend in the car.

Before I could think of anything else, I saw Lauren open the car door on her side, and rush out. As I looked out the window, I said a small girl on her. I instantly recognized it was the witch. Ally's legs where wrapped around my girlfriends waist, and her arms wrapped around Lauren's neck.  I clinched my fists, and stepped out of the car. Still, the girl hadn't gotten down from my girlfriend, and Lauren's grasp only seemed to tighten.

"I missed you, so so much Lauren" The young witch said and I felt my heart leap.

"And You have no idea how much I've been wanting to see you, Allycat." Lauren said finally letting the witch out of her grasp. I then saw Lauren kiss the side of her cheek and instantly felt like someone stabbed my in the gut. I then saw them turn their attention to me, finally, and saw Lauren approach me. She walked to my back and wrapped both her arms around my stomach. And burry her head in my neck.

"Ally, this is my girlfriend. Camila, this is my best friend Ally." She said and I instantly felt relieved. The fact that she introduced me as her girlfriend was huge to me.

"Hi Camila! It's nice to finally meet you. Lauren literally talks about you all day during our text conversations" she laughed and I felt my cheeks warm up. She extended her hand for me to shake. I took it and felt her grasp tighten hardly. My hand instantly hurt. I looked down at our hands and then back at her. All of a sudden it all went black.

"You're inside a spell" she said to me and noticed my confused look on my face. "This means only you and I can talk. Now listen closely. Since you're a Sustay, Lauren's in danger with you. I will make a clone like I promised. But. There's a possibility that she will be linked to the clone." The witch said not meeting my gaze.

"What does that mean? Linked I mean?" I asked, thinking I already knew the answer to that question.

"It means... There's a chance the clone will be rattled  because of Lauren's premature DNA. This means, there's a possibility that what ever the clone feels, Lauren might be able to feel." Ally told me as she finally looked up at me. Her face was full of tears, knowing the possible fade on her best friends future was wrapped around my fingers.

"So you're telling me, that when I take the clone to be killed in front of the Sustays, there's a chance that Lauren gets killed too?" I said as I felt the first drop of warm liquid running down my face.

"Yes.." Ally said and took her hand in mine. "Listen, you can't tell Lauren about this. This is why I put you in this spell with me. You understand, right? Now.." She started but stopped to wipe the tear off my eye as she wrapped her arms around me. "I'll try my best for that not to happen. Trust me. I know you love her, but I'm gonna take us back to reality now ok? We'll be out of this spell and just, don't say anything." Ally told me. I nodded and the next thing I now, I had Lauren wrapped around me again.

Two Worlds Collide(Camren) // EDITING \\Where stories live. Discover now