Chapter 4:Choices

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Camila's POV:

After two minutes of walking in a peaceful environment with Lauren's hand intertwined in mine, we came to a stop right in front a heavy looking dark wood door. Lauren turned to me and smiled.

"Why are you worried? Like I said he'll love you. Trust me, there's no way he won't like you. Okay?" The dark haired girl asked and I nodded. "Good" she said and looked at our still intertwined hands. I took a deep breath, as she opened the door. Lauren let my hand go and we walked up a spiral staircase into what seemed to be a library. A big crystal chandelier hung from the cherry wood ceiling just under multiple black-leather couches neatly placed on the hard wooden floors.

"Andrew? Come meet Camila!" Lauren yelled, placing her hand on the small of my back for comfort, and smiled at me. I felt myself tense up as a feeling started creeping up on my stomach.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the sound footsteps coming towards us came into ear shot and I decided to stay quiet. A figure came out of a door. Andrew wore a beige over coat on top of a navy blue designer jacket—Accompanied by matching navy jeans and a black t-shirt. His hair was perfectly swept to the right of his head with dark caramel streaks through it. Andrew inched closer and put his hand out for me to shake.

"Hello, Camila." he smiled. I couldn't help but notice how white his teeth were. "I'm Lauren's cousin Andrew. Welcome to my house" he  took a step back and lifted his right hand up in the air in admiration.

"Nice to meet you, and thank you for allowing me to come here." I said with a shy smile painted in my lips.

"Well you see Camila. The thing is, we never bring anyone here if they're not special. Lauren bringing you here must be a big sign for you, huh?" He smirked and winked at me.

"Oookay. That's enough," Lauren interrupted. "Andrew, she was turned two days ago and she got her powers yesterday. We discovered She's a healer. I need your help training her." Lauren said looking at me.

"Fine. Why don't you go show Camila around while I set up the training room, Lauren? It's been a while since I needed to train a new blood." He ran a hand through his perfect hair.

"Sure. We will meet you down there in an hour or so?" She turned her attention to him. "Stop thinking that because I will run a spear through our heart if you do." She spoke sternly

"What ever you say, your highness." Andrew walked out the room, leaving Lauren and I alone.

"I want to show your the garden. You'll love it. Come on." she took my hand and we walked my out of the room.


Lauren took the handle and pushed out, revealing a large pond adorned with beautiful cherry blossom trees. The grass was green everywhere. Along the path you had to cross to get to the pond, there was a Dock with a wooden boat and a paddle inside. She took my hand and looked at me.

"Would you like to get in?" She asked and I nodded my head in agreement. We stepped into the boat, and she paddled to the center of the pond. The sun was hitting her face as she stretched her neck and arched it back. A smile crept onto face as the warm rays hit her soft skin.

"You really like nature, don't you?" I asked.

"Don't you? I love days like these, Camila. Days like this are what keep me going." Her face was still looking upwards, facing the sun–eyes still closed and smile still on her lips.

"Yeah. I do." I said at a low level. "Can I ask you something?" I saw her smile fade and look down at me.

"Ask away." the dark haired girl looked at me.

"What would happen if the Sustays found me? What would happen to you? And to Brian, and now Andrew as well?" I asked, concern clear in my voice. Ever since I kissed Lauren, there was something different about us. It seemed too soon, way too soon, but it almost felt like I was falling in love with her. My thoughts were interrupted as she started speaking.

"Well, I'm not going to lie to you. If they found you, they would surely kill you. They'd kill all of us for protecting you, Camila. But They can't kill you if you're trained. Once you're trained, they have to let you live, because you'd be perfectly capable of sustaining your thirst and you would be able to go back to college. If you want to, I mean." Lauren told me.

"I don't want the to hurt you, Lauren. Or hurt the people you care about." I tears started bubbling in my eyes.

"Look at me." she said took my hand in hers. "I'm not going to get hurt. You aren't either. If anything were to happen to you and the Sustays came for you, believe me. I'd go to the ends of the Earth to find you." She told me as I looked up at her. Her eyes were yellow. From past experience, like she told me, yellow was love. She was in love.

Are you really In love with me?

I thought.

"Yes," she told me and I looked at her wide eyed. Lauren laughed slightly.

"If you recall, my power is mind reading" she laughed.

"Oh, right." I felt my cheeks heat up. I was embarrassed for letting myself forget that about the girl I was clearly In love with. Just as I was about to say something, I felt her cold fingers under my chin and my face was lifted. Lauren looked at my lips and licked hers. I bit my lower lip.

Just kiss me already. I thought.

"As you wish." she smiled and leaned in. I had to get used to this.

Suddenly, I felt Lauren push me of on the boat and into the cold murky water. She stood up in lightning fast speed, and suddenly, she had a sharp spear on her hand.

"What the fuck Andrew!" She screamed turning to face the other end of the pond. I saw her cousin. Arms crossed in his chest smiling.

"It's been an hour and ten minutes. Training starts now. Get her ass in the house now before I regret this Lauren." Andrew said as he walked back in. Lauren threw the spear in the pond and let out her hand for me to take.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry for pushing you, but your reflexes haven't gotten to you yet." she said scanning my body for damage.

"I'm fine, Lauren. Also, what do you mean reflexes?" I questioned.

"I'll explain as soon as we get out of this pond." She smiled and placed a warm kiss on my forehead. She sat down and started to paddle back to shore.

An: hey guys! How are you? How was this?

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