Chapter One

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“It’s your duty as a Prefect to order and protect your fellow students...”

 Briar wasn’t exactly what you’d see as a regular Prefect- normally Prefects were tight-lipped and orderly- while Briar, with her bright blonde, frizzy, corkscrew curls that stuck out far past her shoulders, deathly pale flesh, and her disorganized uniform…- to say the least, she was far from your usual, tamed Prefect.

Admittedly, she didn’t anticipate becoming a Prefect. She had the grades expected of a Ravenclaw, but Briar wasn’t well-known among the student body- in fact, her own House Head occasionally forgot her name.

“You there-“Briar was drawn from her stupor, blinking widely up at the Head Boy, “yes, you. You’ll be patrolling the end of the train- oh and comb your hair, honestly, or at least tie it back- and fix your uniform!”

Briar nodded obediently, adjusting her hair and clothing as she set off to the end of the train. She fumbled with her wand as the train halted with a surprising lurch.

Her brows furrowed in confusion- they couldn’t be at Hogwarts yet, we’ve only been on the train for an hour!

When they lights began to flicker, it drew students from the compartments- their whispers grew louder, and more frightened as the lights finally blinked out and the train was basked in a sudden chill.

”Lumos,” she muttered, the tip of her wand lighting up for her to see the First Years’ frightful faces. “Get in your compartments, now!” she ordered, “And close the blinds, as well.”

Thankfully, they followed without question, slamming and locking the compartment doors, and folding the shutters over their windows.

Briar marched towards the front of the train, seeking to speak to either the Head Boy or Head Girl for additional direction. Further up in the train, about midway, it grew chillingly frozen. Goosebumps rose on her flesh, and she hurried along- nearly barreling over a trembling Third Year. - He squeaked out the word, “Dementors.”

Wide-eyed, she yanked open the nearest compartment door, and all but threw the Third-Year in, ducking into the compartment herself a second after.

“Ouch- oh who’s there now- ouch, that was my foot!”  - “Lock the damn door!” –“Hey don’t push me-.”

Briar grumbled along with whoever else was in the compartment; scrambling along for space in the dark. Jostled, she landed on someone- and then hit by a smaller body that shook against her.

“EVERYONE STOP MOVING.” She yowled as an elbow met her stomach. At once everyone seized their movement.

“Bloody hell, you’ve got a big voice,” said someone remarkably close to her ear. She restrained her amusement, and replied with a dry, “I know.”

A few minutes had passed, and the coldness seeped away- eventually the lights flickered on.

Briar’s pale flesh did nothing to hide her rosy cheeks- if anything they made her blush more pronounced. She had evidently landed in someone’s lap during their clustered struggle, and with that Third-Year leaning into her stomach, part ways sprawled across the floor of the compartment.

“Oi, it was you Malfoy! You were whimpering like an injured animal!” One boy cackled joyously, while the one she was strewn across shook with laughter.

“Did you wet your pants, Malfoy?”

The boy stood, pushing off against her stomach- Briar made an “oof” sound in response to his elbow striking her yet again. He dusted off his robes, and eloquently fixed his platinum hair.

“Like I’d rather be with you filthy Weasley’s a moment longer- out of my way you dirty ginger!”

Now with the floor free- Briar quickly scooped herself off of the one, and retied her hair. With a quick survey, she noted that the two remaining in the compartment were twins- same age as her.

Her face was bright with embarrassment, she quickly muttered a polite, “Excuse me,” and fled from the compartment- all but crashing into the Head Boy when she reached the front of the train.

“Are you alright, you seem a bit feverish,” he placed a hand to her forehead. “Go rest up in the Prefect’s Compartment, then.”

She nodded at the older boy’s command- and went through with his orders, laying her head to rest against one of her bags the second she reached her emptied compartment.

-What were those twins’ names again? Oh, yes… I remember, Fred and George Weasley.


I do not own Harry Potter- Prisoner of Azkaban/characters/etc.

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