Chapter Twelve

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Every hour of every day for an entire two weeks was occupied, whether it’d be filled with classes, studying, eating, sleeping or visiting Sirius and Professor Lupin- she had no free time to spend.

Briar studied vigorously for her O.W.Ls- and somewhere along the way Fred and George had actually joined her.

Professor Lupin had tried to discourage her visits- claiming she should spend her time studying- she had ignored his protests, of course and helped him with marking papers, and in exchange he assisted her on incantations for the Defence Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.

Sirius on the other hand, welcomed her visits with enthusiasm- ecstatic at the chance to become human more often.

Briar was now facing her final exam, a one-on-one with Professor McGonagall.

“The Nullify spell can entirely rearrange all markings and distinct physical variations of a witch or wizard, however, it does not change the voice of the castor; and to receive your O.W.L you must perform this incantation with perfection.” McGonagall told her, “You may begin; Good luck, Miss. York.”

Briar inhaled, extending her wand hand and muttering the spell. She dragged her wand down the length of her body, drawing a glowing line which split her seemingly in two. She was turned inside out, and back again- although her appearance was different. She was no longer female, instead she was a short pudgy man, with balding hair and no indication she was actually a teenage girl.

McGonagall was thrilled, actually giving Briar a hint of a smile. “Very good, Miss. York.”

McGonagall waved her wand, and the balding man was replaced with a bright-eyed girl.

Briar grinned, thanking her Professor and all but skipping from the classroom.

She was filled with relief, finally finished her O.W.Ls- hopefully passing with flying colors.- All she needed now was to share her reprieve with someone.

“It’s over.” Briar groaned, collapsing onto Lupin’s fluffy armchair. Lupin smiled from his desk, thumbing through the final grades of his students.

“I’m glad you’re so relieved, although I’d be a bit more worried about your final grade…”

“WHAT!?” Briar shrieked, almost tackling Lupin in hysteria. He laughed, “I’m kidding, you did very well.”

She dropped her shoulders, scowling angrily. She sat atop his desk, “Not funny.”

Gazing at his desk, Briar spotted something unusual. “Why do you have that map?” She leaned towards it, her eyes narrowing in on the inscription of ‘H. Potter,’ ‘R. Weasley,’ ‘H. Granger’ all at ‘Hagrid’s Hut.’

She gasped, glancing out to the setting sun. “They’re not supposed to be out this late- the dementors!”

Professor Lupin stole the map, scanning it quickly, dropping his shoulders. “They’re leaving now, luckily.” Relief flitted over his face, but he kept his eyes firmly on the map. Suddenly, he mouthed something, glancing up in horror.

Briar saw this, and his calculating eyes. “Professor, what-“

Before she could finish her sentence, Lupin whipped out his wand and stunned her. She hit the floor with a remarkable bang and succumbed to unconsciousness.


Briar wasn’t particularly partial to waking up in a hospital cot from a terrifyingly livid Snape’s tantrum.

“YOU DON’T KNOW POTTER!” Snape shrieked, startling Briar awake so badly she had fallen out of her cot and nicked her head on the bedside table. “HE DID IT, I KNOW HE DID IT!-“

Briar had never seen Snape so livid, she stared at the man as a heap on the floor, her eyes wide in absolute terror. Saliva was spraying from the man’s mouth as he yelled, eyes wide with indescribable rage.

The calming words of the Headmaster were nothing to Briar, who struggled to maintain her breath.

“Out of here, Severus!” Madam Pomfrey bristled, shoving the livid man through the large doors, “You’ve disrupted the sanctuary and woken the majority of my patients! Out!”

Madam Pomfrey wasted little time in settling at petrified and confused Briar back in her cot.

“Why in Merlin am I here?” Briar grumbled, rubbing her head as it throbbed. Madam Pomfrey said nothing at her language, “Professor Snape found you stunned in Professor Lupin’s office.”

“Oh, I had a detention- I don’t know why he stunned me…” Briar lied. Madam Pomfrey nearly nodded briskly, “Yes, well, try to sleep dear- and you, Potter, have some chocolate-“

Briar surveyed the Hospital Wing, her wide eyes landing on Ronald, who had his leg bound.

What in hell happened to him?

Her eyes fell on the only two conscious patients- Harry and Hermione. She cast a wary glance at Madam Pomfrey and leaned over to question Harry, who lay nearest her.

“Did Black tell you then?”

Harry swivelled to look at her, dumbfounded, “How did you-“

Briar cut him off, “He told me- I’m glad you know. And listen, did he make it?” Harry nodded; Briar fell back in her cot, sighing in relief. She could sleep peacefully now…

“Good,” her eyes were closing, smiling at the distant howl, “I’m glad…”

I do not own Harry Potter/characters/etc.

Next chapter is the final one :D. I already have a sequel in mind and I'm really excited for that!


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