Chapter Thirteen- Epilogue

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Briar had demonstrated her utmost spite to Lupin when she had discovered he was no longer

a teacher- meaning that she could berate him all she wanted for him stunning her seeing as he could no longer give her detention.

Lupin had endured it, and by the end of her rant he had merely smiled and ruffled her already wild hair and said, “You’re exactly like your mother.”

She had grumbled obscenely, but had bid the man a farewell- desperately hoping she’d one day she her beloved Professor again.

Briar was mildly upset that she hadn’t been able to wish Sirius a goodbye, but had steadily shrugged it off. He’d be back once he was cleared.


The train rattled and jumped as she patrolled the hallway- it was of course, a Prefect’s responsibility. She glanced into a compartment she knew held the three masterminds behind Sirius Black’s escape.

She drew open the compartment door, causing the three to jump and desperately hide a crumpled sheet of parchment. At her arrival, a tiny owl zoomed around her, hooting joyously.- The owl had only made it around her twice before it got tangled up in her hair.

Briar grimaced, pulling the bird free and handing it off to Ronald.

“I just wanted to wish you all a happy summer,” she smiled, tapping her wand against her thigh. Harry was the first to return her smile, Hermione returned her words and Ronald merely gapped, a slow dribble of drool poking from the corner of his mouth.

“Briar,” Harry started, but paused, unable to find his words.

Briar’s smile softened slightly, “Don’t worry about a thing Potter, my lips are sealed.”

With that, she slid the compartment door close behind her, and continued her patrol 

“Briar-r-r-r!” Fred whined, hugging her tight. “You’ll write, won’t you?”

She laughed, patting his back and drawing away, “I promise Fred, I’ll be back before you know it.”

As Fred slinked away after a tearful goodbye- on his part- George sidled up to her, his arm around her waist and his lips against her mouth.

“Too bad there wasn’t much of a relationship to start with,” he sighed in disappointment, drawing back his mouth. Briar smiled, “It’s too troublesome, haven’t I told you Georgie?”

He had laughed, smothering with his mouth, “Oh, but won’t you keep me?”

“NO!” a new voice suddenly barked- an arm slashed down suddenly, separating the two.

“Dad!” Briar groaned, shoving away his arm. The man scowled, crossing his arms and glaring at the teenage boy. “I’m watching you, kid.”

Briar sighed, giving George one last hug. “Have a good summer, and good luck in all your… endeavours.”

George gave her a teasing smile, “I don’t need luck- but, thanks. You too.”

Her bright, electric blue eyes followed his back as he joined his enormously large family. Nothing had come from a few kisses and a bit of hand holding- she hadn’t expected something, but it was nice…

“Come on then,” Rurik huffed, impatient. Briar spared the Weasley’s one less glance, before taking her father’s arm. “Don’t vomit on me this time.” Rurik muttered.

They twisted away, vanishing into thin air.



I do not own Harry Potter/characters/etc.

Ah there it is, the last chapter. Not much of a "happy" ending, but well enough. And yes, to clarify, there WILL be a sequel. The sequel will be titled under, "Brilliance; Corrupted" or something along that line. The sequel will be taking place in the book Order of the Phoenix, Briar will be seventeen and able to use magic outside of school legally. Unfortunately, I haven't worked out all the details- but we'll get there!

Anyways, thanks for reading.


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