Chapter Eleven

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       “Bloody hell,” groaned one of Briar’s roommates, collapsing onto her bed. “I have no idea how you manage this, York. Five classes in a day, each Professor giving us homework all due tomorrow- and you’re already done!”

Briar shrugged, tucking a wiry strange of hair behind her ear. “Pace yourself, don’t panic. It’s just school work, get an extension if you so badly need it.”

Her roommate nearly groaned, burying her head back into her Muggle Studies book once more.

Briar tugged on her shoes, tucking away her wand and heading out. She had a meeting with Professor Lupin- regarding something.

Briar cast a look out a passing window- halting at a movement. She looked carefully, marking it off as only a tree in the wind.

She hurried to Lupin’s office, knocking on his door before letting herself in. Lupin rose up from his chair and seated her behind his desk. Briar was growing nervous, she turned her eyes down at her hands, playing with her fingers.

“Your father asked me to discuss a matter to which he couldn’t find the words for.” Lupin spoke, sitting himself on the edge of his desk. Briar looked up, straight into Lupin’s brown eyes.

Lupin smiled reassuringly, “It’s to do with your career options. Your father has told me you’re interested in becoming an Auror.”

Briar relaxed, nodding with her consensus. She had wanted to follow her father’s line of work since she was a child- and she had well enough grades to get her there.

Lupin knotted his fingers together, “Well, as it seems there is a low employment rate for Aurors, due to the many years of training and graduate requirements. And because of this, the Ministry has decided upon attempting an apprenticeship program for students.”

Briar rose her brows, “So, what you’re saying is- my father wants me to be a lab mouse for this “apprenticeship”.”

Lupin chuckled somewhat, “It seems you’ve hit the nail on the head. During your sixth year, at what normally would be at Hogwarts, you’ll instead be spending it alongside an Auror, and receiving your education and your training. If you choose to accept, by the end of your sixth year- you’ll be a qualified Auror- but you’ll still be expected to complete your seventh year.”

Briar mulled the idea over, contemplating the pros and cons. She turned her serious eyes to her Professor, “I think I’ll have to say-“


“You’re leaving us?” Fred cried in distraught. Briar gave a menial shrug, “Not nessesarily, we can still Owl each other, and I’ll be back for our seventh year.”

George patted her on the shoulder, “Give ‘er a try, just promise us you’ll leave us something in your Will if you die.”

Briar laughed, “Thanks for the support. And I’ll be sure to write one up before I go.”

Fred crossed his arms, obviously still unhappy about the idea. “Worst Christmas gift ever.” He grumbled.

George nudged him, “What about that Dragon Prune sample Charlie sent you one year.” Fred shivered, grimacing at an old memory. “Alright, second worst; but that’s only because it burnt a hole in my stomach.”

Fred lifted up his shirt to reveal a small round scar, poking it in equal distraught. Briar shook her head, laughing.

Thankfully, Dumbledore was generous enough to let them sit where they pleased, allowing Briar to be seated beside the pair. She had also noted that Professor Lupin was not in attendance either. She sighed into her Christmas pudding, feeling pity for the man.

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