Last first day

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I pulled up at North High in the spot I had reserved for being in the top 10 in my class. Seeing as I'm now a senior I had the best spot on the lot almost right next to the front door.  My sister drove herself to show off the BMW daddy got her. Idc though I parked my Honda Civic and went on bout my business as the king.

I went to guidance and picked up my schedule without being bothered because like I said everyone sleeps on me cause they think I'm mean.  I went to my locker (the best locker) and unloaded by book bag. Then I saw Kay. Kay is the baddest bitch in the school and also my best friend since diapers. She was originally my sisters friend but her vibe and connection with me was better than with Kris

I stopped what I was doing and ran up on her like I didn't just see her last week. I picked her up and spun her around admiring the fact we so much alike that I got on the boy version of her outfit. We matching unintentionally (tell me that ain't friendship).

I put her down and took her schedule and we had 1st and 4th period together. "I get to start and end my day with Kay" I said. She busted out laughing and told me everyone needs their daily dose of Kay. Kay is the most popular girl in school cause she's head cheerleader, chorus captain, 3-time homecoming queen (4 this year hopefully), and best friends with the boy nobody can get close to.

We walked to class and I started telling Kay about yesterday. "Boy you know your daddy with the shits. Why you keep playing with that thin ass line" she whisper-yelled. Ugh she sounds like Kris so I just told her I got this and to chill.

Speaking of smiley he just texted me

Smiley👀: Morning shawty

👦🏽Tris: morning smiley ☺️

Smiley👀: what your slow texting ass doing

👦🏽Tris: in class tripping with my butch kay

Smiley👀: I'm omw To class now

I never got a chance to respond as Ms.Cole snatched my phone out my hand. Ms.Cole is that teacher you hate to have, no phones, food or talking. Don't get me wrong she's the best teacher but her primary focus is your Learning. She began then same old introduction she does every year and I started thinking

[I thought smiley was graduated he looks 23, maybe he's in college, I wonder if he from here cause he don't sound like it.  He probably goes to usc.  All the fine niggas go there but I got to get out of state cause my dad forever on my  a-] My thoughts got interrupted as someone sat I front of me and leaned back to far on to my arm. "Excuse me your on my arm" I said. "My bad lil dude" a Familiar voice responded.

"Smiley ?" I questioned. When he turned around we were both shocked I waved and immediately looked at Kay and began using that secret best friend eye contact language to explain what's going on. She started crying laughing until she realized that this was a code red.

How am I gonna keep things light with this nigga if he in my face 8 hours of the day ? What if he wants to hand out ? What is I catch fee- nah I don't do those.

Smiley was talking to me but I was caught up in my thoughts. When Kristen see him she might want to square up with my for being dumb. I stopped smiley and told him sorry I was in my thoughts

What's on your mind shawty ? Smiley asked, something I have to really talk to you about. What lunch you got ? I didn't bother waiting for an answer I just snatched his schedule and what I saw made me want to just go to guidance and square up. He got all 4 classes with me and lunch; I can't Possibly curve him without confrontation.

Maybe if I tell him wassup he might fall back so I just told him to meet me to the burger shack down the street at lunch and not to talk to me till then. He was hella confused but I need to think.

I distracted myself with my work which I tend to do once I was done I talked to Kay about my next move. She said drop him like she does the football players she only dates for school events but I strangely I don't want to drop him I like his vibe. Maybe we can just be friends.

The bell rang and he waited at the door. I looked at him Rolled my eyes and kept walking. When he jogged up he said "you said don't talk to you, not that I can't walk with you ." I can already tell he persistent ...

2nd period flew by just as I feared it would. I don't have a plan at all and being the calculated person I am I suck at winging it but it seems I don't have a choice

I flew down the street to the burger shack which shouldn't be crowded seeing as most of the kids didn't have cars. I sat in the booth to the back and smiley Walked in 2 minutes later.

Me: Hey

Smiley: what's wrong shawty

Me: are you out?

Smiley: no why

Me:  your very loose with it

Smiley: other people's opinions don't matter to me. That's why I'm not out because it's only my concern

Me : I can't risk it I can't fwy

Smiley: ugh I'm so tired of guys like you. So ashamed of yourself that you push away-

Me : who is ashamed ? you don't know me please don't be making assumptions like you do cause your deadass wrong.

I stood up to walked out and dove back to school. I went to my locker mad and just sat there.  Who does he think he is. Acting like he fucking knows me. I love me and I'm damn sure not ashamed. Why can't some people respect that everyone's living situation doesn't allow room for slip ups.

My father would without a doubt kick me out. Which would cause my mom to leave him and split me and my sister up. I love my family to much to be the cause of that kind of pain. All I had to do was hold off one. More. Year. Smiley is only here as a set back I got to stay focused.

My mom always told me the top is lonely and it's just now setting in what she means. I'm at the top. I got my bestfriend sister and mom so maybe I don't have room for anyone else

Just as I was Going to go find Kay a strong hand gripped my wrist I turned around to see who it was and got pulled in for a kiss. I felt fireworks. I always thought that was an exaggeration. Once it was over I pulled back and ....

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