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I know I told y'all it's on pause (and it still is) but y'all know I love comments and y'all been showing lots of love lately so I decided to drop a chapter on y'all. Just this once thanks for the love guys 💕

I was deep in the kiss breathing heaving and Smiley was just as lost in it as me. I started pulling at his waist band and he started to tug and the hem of my jacket. That was until Kay coughed and I looked around and remembered we were in school. See ever since me and Smiley had sex a month ago I've just been lost in him and vise versa.

I don't even remember going to school that morning but I do remember that shower we took getting ready for it. Graduation was nearing so overall I could just be expressing all my "excitement"

Kay shook her head and continued her way to class. I looked at Smiley and he was doing what he does best, smiling. Every time I look at him I just wonder how did I get so lucky. "Let's go to class loser" I said to him and pulled him by his collar.

I don't know what inspired him but he slapped my ass and out of reflex I slapped him. He raised his fist. I flashed back to Jay's car and that's the last thing I remember

I sat in the nurses office looking at my baby sleep peacefully. I on the other hand look like I got hit by a stress train. So apparently he had a panic attack and passed out. I didn't know what was going on and I ran like the flash carrying him to the nurse. I think I even accidentally knocked down a freshmen but I don't feel bad because I was obviously was coming through carrying a WHOLE PERSON.

Iput him on the nurse table and started like I mad man. Once I finally started making legible sentences she just smiled and said "he just needs rest sweetie just sit down" like that was supposed to calm my nerve. The love of my life is on the table and I'm supposed to sit ? It doesn't work like that.

She saw me clearly stressing and asked "is he your best friend ?" I smiled because he is that and more and said "no he's my boyfriend". I looked in her eyes for signs of disapproval but instead she looked knowingly as if she already knew that. "He's lucky to have you" she said, and I couldn't think about how lucky I was to have him. "Well he's going to be ok sweetie trust me" and this time I actually did sit down finding comfort knowing my baby is going to be fine.

Kay came bursting in and looking just as stressed as me and the nurse looked at me and asked " best friend ?" And I just nodded and chuckled. Kay walked over to Tristan ignoring me and and slapped him and said "bitch get up" and he was still sleep so she looked back at us all teary eyed and I just patted the seat next to me and said he'll be fine. She nodded and silently sat.

Last but not lest Kristan came in holding her face because she must have felt that slap Kay gave Tristan. She seemed to be here on her own accord but she saw Tristan and aske "Did he have a panic attack ? I thought I felt one. is he ok ?" She asked and the nurse nodded. She whispered to the nurse and they went in the back.

Tristan started stirring in his sleep and both me and Kay rushed to his side.


I woke up and I did not know where I was. Mainly cause I can't see because Smiley and Kay are all in my face looking worried. "Ummm can y'all back up please" I asked and rolled my eyes. "Yeah he's fine his attitude is back to full health" Kay said rolling her eyes. Smiley pulled me into a hug so tight I couldn't breath. I started to speak and he just shh'ed me. I just returned the hug and soothed him cause I could feel the tension and stress radiating off of him. "I'm fine but can we go home" I said kissing him on the cheek. He nodded and I hugged Kay and we left.

As if on que the second we sat on the car Smiley started with the "I'm sorry" and I shut him down quick "it's not your fault so please don't apologize for someone else's mistakes" I said. I felt so bad because my mistake is causing Smiley to blame and doubt himself. In fact I think Ima go pay my mistake a visit "Can we just go home I got some business to handle" I asked. I knew I made him angry but he nodded and drove while I sat and thought about what I was about to do.
Its a shortie I know but I'm rusty

How did y'all like it ?
They can't keep their hands off each other huh 😂

🤔so jay still causing problems? What y'all think Tristan is about to do 👀

As always vote and comments make my day 💕

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