Family troubles

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When I woke up again my mom was siting at my desk just looking at me.
I laughed and said "I know I'm your greatest accomplishment and all but this is weird". She laughed and pulled me into a deep hug. I've missed my mom she's been gone for what seems like forever but fashion is her passion and there is no stopping her.

I gave her the run down of what's happened while she was gone (excluding smiley). She rolled her eyes when I told her about dad. She started the whole "he loves you but.." Speech and I stopped her cause I hear it all the time. Don't get me wrong I know my dad loves me we just lack connection between us.

The rest of the day was pretty chill. Me and mom went to Kay's grandmothers house for dinner and then we cuddled up on the couch and watched a couple episodes of being Mary Jane on Netflix.

Monday in school me and smiley linked up on the way to first period. I kept looking at him and blushing ( lightskin people problems). Yo it's only been like three weeks and I'm feeling him way to hard. I'm thinking I should fall back but I promised him I'd stop acting crazy and erratically making decisions.

Yesterday replayed in my head over and over and over. After the beach we went to eat (smiley know I love food) and after that we went go kart racing. Honestly it's not going to be hard to cover us up because I'm not a dance and dinner kind of person. I like go karts and paintball kind of dates. I like to turn up and have fun not just sit and look pretty. I mean I slay no matter what but still.

I also adore how protective smiley is over me. I also love how apparent it is that he wants me for me. As soon as I said stop he stopped. Normally niggas would attempt to keep getting farther and be mad cause I don't want them putting their nasty dicks anywhere near me.

All 4 periods flew by without me learning a thing due to smiley. That boy can talk. When the lights when off in 3rd for some documentary on the American Market system he started feeling places that made it hard to get up when the bell rang.

Upon leaving 4th and going home smiley asked if I wanted to get some chipotle. As much as I wanted to eat (smiley knows this for a fact) and look at smileys. my mom came home and we got time to make up and trust me it's always a celebration every time we link up.

We went to the parking lot and somehow we were the last to get out there cause the only cars there was mine and his. Probably cause we was walking slow Af and smiley locker on the other side of school that's basically the ghost town.

He gave me a quick peck and I hated it so I mumbled  "that weak ass kiss" under my breath. I didn't think he would hear me but smiley pushed me up against the car and started trying to swallow my whole face. Somehow we ended up half in the car and half out with smiley kssing on my lower neck while being carful not to leave a hickey behind even though I know he really wanted to. Smiley has this weird obsession with wanting people to know I'm his, it low key makes me feel bad making him pretend I'm not.

That went on for about 10 minutes until I heard my sister cough. I pulled back with my swollen lips. "I'll see you later babe" I said to smiley. He gave me one last peck and went to his car. I just felt it coming there was a 89% chance I was gonna slap my sister. .

Kristen started talking out her neck about MY love life tearing up our family. That's my risk not hers, but I didn't hit her I just I rolled my eyes and got in my car. I thought about leaving her annoying ass but dad would throw a fit. She got in and I started blasting Rihanna's song consideration to tune her out. Rih please give me the strength not to slap this ignorant bitch cause I don't want to feel it.

Then it all hit the fan when she slapped me. It was out of nowhere (cause rih was playing and I wasn't paying her no attention. I know she felt that. I pulled over and slapped her back. Then my cheek stated to hurt too. Sometimes I hate being a Twin. In most cases the telepathy thing goes away when you get older. But we grew up so close it stuck I guess.

The rest of the ride home was silent. I don't like how my sister take my dating life as a more of problem to her than me. I don't criticize her for dating that loser. Like its my life let me live it. Like Rih said "I got to do this my own way darling"

I pulled up and this bitch slammed my door. If you ain't gonna respect me atleast respect my car. That's why hers broke now.

We walked in the house and went our separate ways. Or separate parents anyway. Me and mom were on the couch watching OITNB while her and pops were outside tossing the ball.

Typical day in the Powers family.

*Kristen pov*

Me and dad were tossing the ball and I may have been putting to much power into it. Tristan has no respect for our family. We have one rule and hes breaking it.

This boy isn't even worth it. All he has to do is wait one more year but no Tristan is always the difficult one. Always catching attitudes of things don't go his way. Mom babies him he needs to man up.

I love to father to much and Tristan is putting me in the middle. Sometimes I think about telling my dad just to get it over with but I'm not with that disloyal business.

Eventually I took a break from tossing cause my mind wasn't on the right track and texted Carlton.

Me: hey bae 🙈

Carlton: sup

Me: wyd ?

Carlton: cooling.

Me: with who ?

He left me on read. He so disrespectful but he has so much potential that everyone overlooks.

Tristen thinks I'm delusional and I deserve better but he knows nothing about boys. Not straight ones anyway. Straight boys are rough and emotionally detached sorta. Not extra feminine like gay guys.

He needs to fall back from my business. His relationship is the one that's going to get him hurt not mines. I fell asleep waiting for Carlton to text me back ...


What are your thoughts on Kristen (personally I don't like her) ?

Who is your fav character ? (Mines is Kay)

I plan on starting to include smileys pov would y'all like that ?

Sn/ I might start updating on Saturdays because of baseball (Friday is our no practice day)

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