Twin Trouble

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Bad blood


Ugh I can't believe this. Grounded. I haven't been grounded in like years. I can't stand the teachers at north High.

So I'm walking down the hall and I'm a minute late. So this wanna be hall monitor tells me to go get a tardy slip from the office. Keep in mind she isn't even my teacher. So I kept walking because ms.cole will let me in because she isn't big on late slips. So then the hall bitch decides to grab me. One thing you ain't gonna do is touch me.

I pulled away and cursed her out. I'm not a disrespectful person so of course she was surprised. The principle overheard me and then next thing I know I'm being sent home for disorderly conduct. They called my father ahead of time so my only option was to go home.

So after a long lecture on attitude
He sent me to my room and grounded me. Normally I wouldn't care because I don't have a life but I had a date tonight with Jay. It's been a week since that night and he been begging to go out since.

Time flew by and it was 7:30 my date is at 9. If I cancel he's gonna think I'm lying. I don't have other options. So I texted me

Tris 😎🤘🏽: hey ...

Jay🤔: what's going on ?

Tris😎🤘🏽: soooo I've got to cancel

Jay🤔: 🙄why ? I'm just about dressed.

Tris😎🤘🏽: I'm grounded for talking back 😞

Jay🤔: 😂 man. You to old to be grounded. Your rude ass. I'm coming to get you at 8.

Tris😎🤘🏽: how.

Jay🤔: you trust me ?

Tris😎🤘🏽: no. My father crazy tf.

Jay🤔: you light... I can catch you. Not open for discussion. I'll be there in a few. 😘

Ugh. How did this become my life. Why can't he just wait another week. I'm just gonna get dressed before he pulls up and I have to go to this damn movie in my gym shorts.

I decided to keep it simple. A grey Tommy tee and some cargo shorts with my gold watch and I wore my studs.

I lay on my bed because my phone was charging and Jay is late. Next thing I know I hear rocks hit my window.


Carlton is supposed to be picking me up right about .......... Now. I quietly sneak down the steps hoping my dad was distracted by the game. I wasn't coming home tonight Carlton and I were going to the beach house his father owns till tomorrow.

I step outside and see a Carlton on the side of the house but as I got closer I realized it wasn't Carlton then I looked up and saw my brother getting ready to jump out the window.

This is so messy. This is why him and that boy from school haven't been talking. I heard gay guys couldn't keep a relationship long but still.

I waited for Tristan to jump and surprisingly this me guy caught him it was low-key cute. I cleared my throat to interrupt their moment Tristan looked like he had seen a ghost.

Where are you going "I asked" he said he was going on a date. He then returned the question and I lied and said I was going on a date too. "With a bag ?" Tristan asked, I had forgotten i had the bag.

"Worry about yourself make sure you don't catch anything from being a hoe" I said with an attitude. Tristan slapped me and I slapped him back. We stated to fight expect his guy pulled him off and Carlton came out of nowhere pulling me to the car. Sometimes I can't stand my brother. I wish he was normal. He's such a bitch. I don't even like gay people but he's my brother so I'm stuck with him.

I let it go and kissed Carlton, "hey babe" I said. "You ready for ready for tonight" he asked. I was of course but I was nervous. This was out first time being alone overnight. I knew what was going to happen tonight but I was still nervous. So I lied and told him yea.

We got to the beach house after stopping for food and it was beautiful. I loved it. Carlton must have seen the excitement on my fave because he kissed my cheek. Then my lips. Then my neck. This was getting intense.

All of a sudden he pulled off and came around to open my car door. Surprisingly, he picked me up and continued kissing. After we got in he backed me into the couch and from there it was all history.


We got in Jay car and he was just mugging at me. "What !?!" I asked with more attitude then needed. "Did you really just fight that chick ?" He asked seemingly disgusted. I rolled my eyes and sat back. "it's my sister, can we not talk about it ?" I said. He replied "You still a boy its disrespectful to hit a girl but Ima let it go" , Jay started his car and pulled out of my drive way.

We got to the theater and I just had to see the jungle book cause I'm a big ass kid. Jay asked if I was hungry and of course I was food is life. He asked what I wanted then he ordered it. It reminded me of when I met Smiley. Oh well got to stop thinking about him.

We got seated and seems like Jay already ate half of the popcorn like damn this nigga can eat. Then I stopped and thought "he can eat fr😋" but Ima keep it pg 13 in this theater. Overall the movie was great. Jay fell asleep on me like his head don't weigh a as much as a cinderblock.

We got home and I had a realization how Am I going to get back in my room. I can't fly to the second floor. I can't go through the door because my dad probably on the couch. My door is locked in case he checks on me (which he doesn't do often) so he's just gonna think I'm not talking to him.

I got back in Jays car and simply says "this what I get for listening to you, I should have been a good noodle." . We ended up going back to his house. When we got there I flopped on the couch like I lived there. Jay just came and flopped his 300 pound muscle ass on me like I could support him.

I tried to push him off but he was feeling really childish "what's the password ?" He asked. I had no clue what the password was. He gave me hint "it's what you called me last week" he said with a smirk. I said "daddy" and he moved.

After laughing about that. We opted to cuddle and watch bobs burgers on Netflix and I fell asleep on him just like that.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. He must really like to cook. I didn't even sleep with him last night. I checked my phone to see a text from Smiley. I didn't read it though. Honestly I want him but he don't want me. It's probably just another text calling me a hoe.

What hurts my feelings is he knows I'm not a hoe. I've only dated 1.5 people him being the one. I would say Jay but we haven't added a title yet. On top of all that I've only slept with one gyy, I'm pretty sure a hoes body count is more than one. He's just purposely trying to hurt my feelings. I can play his game and I'll win.

I shake Smiley out of my head and start focusing on my plan to get home. My dad should go on his morning run at about 10. It's 9 now so I should leave now. I walk to the kitchen to tell Jay but I almost died when I got to the kitchen.

I saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Jay was cooking breakfast in just his gym shorts showing off his print. How did I take that that night it's oversized. Then when he turned around and said good morning in that deep voice I almost came. I was at a loss for word so I just grabbed the keys and shook them. He the hint.

I looked him over and I just don't know what I've gotten myself into


I Wonder what Smiley Texted Tristan ?🤔

Y'all still think Jay just wants sex ? ☺️

Thoughts on Kristan ?😂

Team who ? 👀

Votes and comments 😍💦

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