Brothers Bestfriend

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Y/N Pov

After Jc walked out with the last suitcase I locked the front door to my apartment while Jc put the suitcase in the trunk and closing it.

I sat in the passenger seat and Jc got in starting the car.
I was going to stay at Jc's over spring break because he thought as me being his sister I rarely visit him and wanted me to see his new house .He also said something about meeting some roommates I guess.


I looked at the house through the windshield while we pulled up the driveway .The house was a lot bigger than the other one.We then got out the car and Jc carried one of my suitcase while I carried the other .

He unlocked the door and I walked in looking at the house.
"Nice" I said putting my suitcase down.
"I know right" Jc replied

"Kian!" Jc called "Kian"
Just then a tall attractive guy came in.Nice smile.Perfect Hair.Jawline.
I'm not gunna lie he was really really attractive.

"Kian,this is my sister ,Y/N" Jc said
"Y/N ,this is Kian"
"Hey"He said letting out his hand for me to shake it.
"Hi" I slightly giggled shaking his hand.
He looked deeply into my eyes and kept smiling at me .It was kinda creepy but cute.I then blushed and let go of his hand.

"You can put your stuff in the spare room we have upstairs " Jc said
"Uh here I'll show you " Kian said grabbing one of my suitcases . I followed .

He lead me to an empty room with just a bed ,a mirror,dresser,and a bathroom .I put down my suitcase." Uh ,if you need anything I'm next door. " he said before leaving the room ."Thanks"
I said awkwardly

Kian Pov

She's was really cute.When I walked out the room I went downstairs.I came into the kitchen where Jc was eating an apple or some shit.

"How come you didn't tell me you had such a hot sister" I said
"Woahwoahwoah ,You are NOT getting with my sister"Jc said laughing after.
"Aww cmon don't be like that" I said back .
"No way"....


I feel like turning this into a story but idk I'm still thinking about it.Should I?idk lol .If I do I'll still be writing imagines lol:)
OH yea and I'll also be taking request now ! K bye:)

Kian Lawley Imagines✎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt